Root Trimming on Fukien Tea Trees
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Root Trimming on Fukien Tea Trees
Greetings IBC!
As a begginer and novice at best, I was wandering about root trimming. I have 2 Fukien Tea Trees, both freshly re-potted, 1 yesterday 1 2-3 weeks ago. The tree I re-potted 2-3 weeks ago, I haven't touched theroots ( it is my first tree! I didn't want to kill that much sooner ) When I was re-potting yesterday, I was wandering about the roots. I lightly trimmed about 10-15 % of the roots, mainly the really long skinny ones. I then proceeded to cut more off, about 30 - 40% of the roots are now gone
I was wandering if I have killed my tree, sob sob, and how to do it next time.
Thanks in advance
As a begginer and novice at best, I was wandering about root trimming. I have 2 Fukien Tea Trees, both freshly re-potted, 1 yesterday 1 2-3 weeks ago. The tree I re-potted 2-3 weeks ago, I haven't touched theroots ( it is my first tree! I didn't want to kill that much sooner ) When I was re-potting yesterday, I was wandering about the roots. I lightly trimmed about 10-15 % of the roots, mainly the really long skinny ones. I then proceeded to cut more off, about 30 - 40% of the roots are now gone
I was wandering if I have killed my tree, sob sob, and how to do it next time.
Thanks in advance
briddell- Member
Re: Root Trimming on Fukien Tea Trees
I was wandering if I have killed my tree, sob sob, and how to do it next time.
Fukien Tea a pretty tough and this time of year you should be OK. Different species tolerate more or less root work. It also depends upon time of year. Working on the roots of a Juniper in Florida except in the coolest months is deadly to the tree, working on Buttonwood in the cooler months is deadly. When you work roots, you should start by removing as much old soil as possible. I try to use a chop stick to work the soil out ot the roots. At this Point you can see the healthy, growing roots as opposed to the old, dead roots. This works with most trees, but on an old tree it might be wise to use the pie technique, that is cut one, two or three (depending upon the size of the pot) pie shaped pieces out of the soil and replace with new soil. Of course, the sharp end of the pie shape should be toward the trunk and the large piece at the pot edge.
Fukien Tea a pretty tough and this time of year you should be OK. Different species tolerate more or less root work. It also depends upon time of year. Working on the roots of a Juniper in Florida except in the coolest months is deadly to the tree, working on Buttonwood in the cooler months is deadly. When you work roots, you should start by removing as much old soil as possible. I try to use a chop stick to work the soil out ot the roots. At this Point you can see the healthy, growing roots as opposed to the old, dead roots. This works with most trees, but on an old tree it might be wise to use the pie technique, that is cut one, two or three (depending upon the size of the pot) pie shaped pieces out of the soil and replace with new soil. Of course, the sharp end of the pie shape should be toward the trunk and the large piece at the pot edge.
Billy M. Rhodes- Member
Re: Root Trimming on Fukien Tea Trees
Thanks! It is good to know that I did not murder my tree ( sigh ) I will know how to do it correctly next time and do it better so the tree will end up healthier. Thank you for the information.
briddell- Member
Re: Root Trimming on Fukien Tea Trees
I just re-potted one a few weeks ago and its already bounced back...big time.
AdamG- Member
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