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Juniper progression

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Juniper progression Empty Juniper progression

Post  shannon Fri Aug 05, 2011 10:06 pm


Attached are some picture's of a Juniperus Squamata that I purchased two years ago I have recently done some work on the tree and potted it into a training pot for the mean time.

Sorry about the poor quality second shot.

Please let me know your thoughts and ideas good or bad.


Juniper progression 018_6010

Juniper progression 043_4510

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Juniper progression Empty Re: Juniper progression

Post  handy mick Fri Aug 05, 2011 10:35 pm

Nice transformation

handy mick

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Juniper progression Empty Re: Juniper progression

Post  Cullen Wegman Sat Aug 06, 2011 2:30 am

I like the direction you are going with this. I have been looking at wild junipers all week in Arizona and yours looks very natural. Often times the pads I see on junipers look too much like topiary or they are grown in the manner you might expect to find a pine. I did not see one juniper that resembled a pine this week...
Cullen Wegman
Cullen Wegman

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Juniper progression Empty Re: Juniper progression

Post  Justin Hervey Mon Aug 08, 2011 8:12 am

Great material Shannon.
If I may, I would like to suggest the possibility of a more rotated planting angle to get away from the vertical line of the trunk and the horizontal movement above.
Just a thought:

Juniper progression 043_4510
Justin Hervey
Justin Hervey

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Juniper progression Empty Re: Juniper progression

Post  fiona Mon Aug 08, 2011 9:09 am

Nice piece of material and good progress with the transformation.

I'd agree with Justin on the angle of it though, and interstingly I spent most of yesterday working on a juniper of my own which has a similar shape to yours and I decided the angle had to be changed in pretty much exactly the same way as Justin has shown. I'll not hijack your thread with a pic of it.

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Juniper progression Empty Re: Juniper progression

Post  shannon Tue Aug 09, 2011 8:43 am

Justin, thanks for your idea's and I definitely agree on the planting angle.

Fiona,thanks for your comments and you are most welcome to post a pic of your juniper, I will look forward to seeing it.

Thanks again, I always welcome constuctive criticism Smile

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