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One Pillar Pagoda

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One Pillar Pagoda Empty One Pillar Pagoda

Post  nguyển thái lý Sun May 29, 2011 12:36 pm

Hello all you IBC forum

I want to send people a light pole, it's like a pagoda in Hanoi a column, I welcome the comments of people
One Pillar Pagoda 11_p1010357

Last edited by nguyển thái lý on Sun May 29, 2011 5:30 pm; edited 2 times in total
nguyển thái lý
nguyển thái lý

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One Pillar Pagoda Empty Re: One Pillar Pagoda

Post  sunip Sun May 29, 2011 1:22 pm

It is an impressive stone.
I understand the reason for the daiza but i prefer a more simple and smaller daiza
because the stone is strong enough.
For me on a smaller and simple daiza, the stone would get chance to show more of its own power.
regards, Sunip Wink


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One Pillar Pagoda Empty Re: One Pillar Pagoda

Post  Young Doan Sun May 29, 2011 7:16 pm

Hi Ly'.
I'm sure Sunip right, All kind of ART ...just keep it more simple more better.
But I think cause Culture VN belong to China a thousand years ago.
Ly' step out your door you will see more art of Suiseki and Daiza.
Best Regards

Young Doan

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