Mixed Forest Planting
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Mixed Forest Planting
Here is a video about a Bald Cypress and Water Elm group that I just created. What are your thoughts on mixed species forest plantings?
Last edited by jgeanangel on Tue Mar 22, 2011 5:23 pm; edited 1 time in total
jgeanangel- Member
Mixed Forest Planting
Hello John. I can't help but think the large trees extend too far but this is seen often in nature. I suppose the real test is when the group is in leaf.
Guest- Guest
Re: Mixed Forest Planting
I find this forrest alternative...two species, wich maybe looks good with leaves .
I find the two tall trees to tall, the other trees looks like scrubs underneath..this takes away the feeling of a forrest.
Also is the building up, of the forrest alternative....but it is right, for two tall trees, with scrub underneath.
Kind regards Yvonne
I find this forrest alternative...two species, wich maybe looks good with leaves .
I find the two tall trees to tall, the other trees looks like scrubs underneath..this takes away the feeling of a forrest.
Also is the building up, of the forrest alternative....but it is right, for two tall trees, with scrub underneath.
Kind regards Yvonne
Guest- Guest
Re: Mixed Forest Planting
Thanks for the replies!! I understand this planting is out of the norm but I guess its all a matter of what kind of forests you hang out in:) I am very sure your forests are different than the specific places for which this planting is inspired. Give me a couple of years to develop the cypress trees and I think you may like it better...but who knows:)
jgeanangel- Member
Re: Mixed Forest Planting
will baddeley wrote:Hello John. I can't help but think the large trees extend too far but this is seen often in nature. I suppose the real test is when the group is in leaf.
I find it interesting how often people refer to seeing deciduous forests or individual trees in "leaf"...as if it were the preferred view. I have always appreciated the winter view much more...although IMO it is much more difficult to develop a good winter view than it is a good leaf view. For me, the leaf view hides the real beauty of a well developed deciduous tree.
...not that this planting is anywhere close to offering a good winter view or leaf view at this point:)
Thanks for the comment Will.
jgeanangel- Member
Re: Mixed Forest Planting
I love it John! Totally natural forest for your area. I always enjoy your videos and outside of the box thinking. Keep us updated.
bonsaimeister- Member
Re: Mixed Forest Planting
Hello John. My personal preference is for a Winter image too but I didn't assume that this is the same for you. I look forward to watching this group develop.
Guest- Guest
Re: Mixed Forest Planting
Hey John - the concept here seems vaguely familiar... (I hope you have a few of those water elms left over, because I need to replant them in the forest done at the Expo in '09.) I like the composition. Good luck with it!
Water Elms at SC oxbow lake:
Baldcypress at SC oxbow lake:
John G. at SC oxbow lake:
Water Elms at SC oxbow lake:
Baldcypress at SC oxbow lake:
John G. at SC oxbow lake:
AJ- Member
Re: Mixed Forest Planting
Familiar...I can't imagine what you would be talk about. These are actually some of the elms from the original planting Ken and I did in 98... They are too large for what you need. I am working on some small ones for you...hopefully by the end of this season.
jgeanangel- Member
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