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juniper grafting

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juniper grafting Empty juniper grafting

Post  peter keane Wed Mar 02, 2011 7:40 pm

On sunday, I grafted a friend's juniper, changing the foliage from prostrata (the leggy stuff) to shimpaku. With junipers, it's best that the stock plant be active (making the wood easier to cut), while the scion shoots be dormant. This is achieved by grafting in late winter with the stock plant brought out of dormancy by using a greenhouse. I've had good success with using "buddy tape" wrapped around the foliage. So, that's what I've done here. I forget how many shimpaku shoots were applied. This should look great in a few short years.

juniper grafting Dsc_0032
juniper grafting Dsc_0033
juniper grafting Dsc_0035
peter keane
peter keane

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juniper grafting Empty juniper grafting

Post  Guest Wed Mar 02, 2011 8:05 pm

Hello Peter. I've seen what you did with that other Juniper and the Blaaws grafts. Good work.


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