re-potting (California)
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re-potting (California)
Hello everyone, I live in Lodi California where we are still getting some frost in the mornings. I was wondering if it was okay to begin re-potting my trees or should I wait.
Nick Santoyo- Member
Re: re-potting (California)
A little frost won't hurt your repotting. Now, if the temperature starts to go down to the low 20s (F), that could be a different thing -- depending on what you are repotting.
JimLewis- Member
Re: re-potting (California)
Having lived most of my life in San Jose, CA and know exactly where Lodi is my suggestion is to wait until about mid Feb (a week or two). However, where ever one lives the best indication on when to repot is to let the plant tell you. For deciduous trees it's when the dormant buds begin to swell and for evergreens it's as the buds begin to swell and show color. Another good way for potted material is to inspect the roots. When the roots show white, activly growing tips it's time to repot.
Randy Davis
Having lived most of my life in San Jose, CA and know exactly where Lodi is my suggestion is to wait until about mid Feb (a week or two). However, where ever one lives the best indication on when to repot is to let the plant tell you. For deciduous trees it's when the dormant buds begin to swell and for evergreens it's as the buds begin to swell and show color. Another good way for potted material is to inspect the roots. When the roots show white, activly growing tips it's time to repot.
Randy Davis
Randy_Davis- Member
Re: re-potting (California)
I'm in Anaheim, CA, and we have been getting a little frost on the roofs the past few nights. I started repotting about four weeks ago, and have not had any problems. I had to repot some trees because we had a warm spell that pushed some trees out of dormancy early.
I live in an old house that is poorly insulated, so I shelter my tender trees by putting them next to the house. The heat leaking through the walls keeps them warm at night.
I live in an old house that is poorly insulated, so I shelter my tender trees by putting them next to the house. The heat leaking through the walls keeps them warm at night.
Charles M- Member
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