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Coral red spot

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Coral red spot Empty Coral red spot

Post  Peter Thorne Mon Nov 22, 2010 8:43 pm

I recently noticed a fungus disease on a couple of my trees. The first is a hawthorn and the second is a hornbeam. The pictures are not brilliant as the lighting seems to have been a bit strong and has burnt out the colour. However, from my research on the web, it seems that they are afflicted by a fungal infection called “coral red spot”. The standard treatment seems to be to cut out the infected parts. This might be fine on a branch on a woodland tree but obviously creates problems in a bonsai, particularly if it is on the main part of the trunk.
Coral red spot Dscn0010[img][/img]

Coral red spot Dscn0011

Coral red spot Dscn0012

Does anyone have experience of treating this type of infection in a bonsai? Is there a fungicide designed to do the job. Any advice as to how to deal with the problem on these trees would be appreciated.
Peter Thorne
Peter Thorne

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Coral red spot Empty Coral red spot

Post  Guest Mon Nov 22, 2010 8:56 pm

Hello Peter. Coral spot usually appears on deadwood before it starts on live wood. Most fungicides will treat it including Lime Sulphur.


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