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Walter Pall & Jim Doyle Talking about Mateusz Grobelny pots and traditionalists

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Walter Pall & Jim Doyle Talking about Mateusz Grobelny pots and traditionalists Empty Walter Pall & Jim Doyle Talking about Mateusz Grobelny pots and traditionalists

Post  KimchiMonger Sat Sep 25, 2010 7:32 am

It's unfortunate but not surprising that Mr. Pall and those who dare enjoy the Mateusz Grobelny pots might be accused of defacing or rebelling against traditional aspects of Bonsai. They're offered as a "flavor" not the end all or else...

I think this might be merely another approach to planting a tree - certainly not the only "right way" nor the only acceptable way but just another way of finding a special pot for a preferred tree.

I applaud Mr. Walter's philosphy of naturalistic bonsai (another way of styling a specimen which I'm learning more about and leaning toward) and introduction of another choice in pottery. Not for everyone but neither is every selection on the finest four star restaurant menus. Takes all kinds.

Thank you gentlemen for taking time to share your thoughts.

And yes, this amateur, likes a few of those amazing looking pots. For now, I'm back to learning everyday about my own favorite trees and see where the journey takes me over the years to come.

Jim Doyle offers some smart opinions on the traditionalists vs. the lunatics


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Walter Pall & Jim Doyle Talking about Mateusz Grobelny pots and traditionalists Empty Re: Walter Pall & Jim Doyle Talking about Mateusz Grobelny pots and traditionalists

Post  kitoi Sat Sep 25, 2010 12:27 pm

Great videos! thanks for sharing them.


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