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hawthorn gift

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hawthorn gift Empty hawthorn gift

Post  littleart-fx Tue Dec 29, 2009 5:36 pm

one other tree witch has been given to me.
Yet also 17 years old and been collected as a smal tree out of the wild.
Can say yammy, but i don't just a starter.

I post this tree to get some kind of respond of what to do with it, i mean at first glance it's a bonsai monster in a bad way!
Got the tree from a neighbour (the one that went to thailend)
He's English and does bonsai his own way, the hard studies just crash your head into a brick wall kind a way.
Can,t reckon that i don't in that type of setting or matter or do i......hmmm ?( ok ok on topic!)

But i want to make it something because of the above mentioned reasons it has been given to me it's a bit old and has sentimental values.

ok pic's of the monster

hawthorn gift Hawtho10hawthorn gift Hawtho11

And i know this isn't an instant beauty,it might take some decades.

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hawthorn gift Empty Re: hawthorn gift

Post  Guest Tue Dec 29, 2009 5:40 pm

Hi M... take it to Hans van Meer... he will sort it for you Wink



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hawthorn gift Empty after cleanup

Post  littleart-fx Tue Dec 29, 2009 5:51 pm

The tree has some very ugly features as big bumbs of grow out, inserted wire grow ugly foot and, eggs?

Yeah!! the first of my chickens (delicious)

but after cleanup.....

hawthorn gift Hawtho12

hmmm,... this is internet ain't it? (thailand may log in)
Mr morris i luve the tree! i do!

@ mr tickle, i know hans will do that.....
Hope his back is going to let him
but, i am a brick wall kind of person, and know somewhere where to go with this but that takes time.

But hans is on the list, like to pay him a visit soon!

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