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My first real satsuki tree.

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My first real satsuki tree. Empty My first real satsuki tree.

Post  SidneyDR Fri Mar 10, 2017 1:04 pm

Hi everyone ! Smile
After looking a long time for a nice Satsuki bonsai, I had a moment of luck.
I found this tree from a well known seller in Europe for a good price, I paid 300 euro for it.
It is a rhododendron Indicum, I don't know which flowers it will have yet.
I don't know how old it is. It is imported from Japan.
It is 17 cm high and the trunk is 12 cm wide.
I will also try and find a nicer pot after I know what flowers it will have so I can find one that suits those.
Here are some pics Smile

My first real satsuki tree. 20170311
My first real satsuki tree. 20170313
My first real satsuki tree. 20170312


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