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Zelkova serrata

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Zelkova serrata Empty Zelkova serrata

Post  BobbyLane Fri May 22, 2015 12:06 am

This is a recent ebay purchase. the tree has good trunk movement, good nebari and a good base, but the branches and ramification need to be developed, which is fairly easy on this vigorous species. Its going to be trained as an informal upright....will update later in the year Smile

Zelkova serrata _57
Zelkova serrata _57%201_1
Zelkova serrata _57%202
Zelkova serrata _57%203
Zelkova serrata IMG_6749_2
Zelkova serrata IMG_6745

Future plans

Zelkova serrata 6a78d3a9-f931-4464-9299-d8a5ee30d10a

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Zelkova serrata Empty Re: Zelkova serrata

Post  juniper07 Fri May 22, 2015 2:20 am

I think even before working on the top, you need to fix the roots. If this was my tree I would air-layer the base first.

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Zelkova serrata Empty Re: Zelkova serrata

Post  M. Frary Fri May 22, 2015 3:24 am

juniper07 wrote:I think even before working on the top, you need to fix the roots. If this was my tree I would air-layer the base first.
I agree but not air layer,ground layer. I would also put it in a collander for this and the branch development. It will go even faster.

M. Frary

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Zelkova serrata Empty Re: Zelkova serrata

Post  BobbyLane Fri May 22, 2015 10:31 am

Thanks for your input guys, I personally dont see the roots as a big problem, there are one or two ugly or crossing bits at the front which can be snipped off, there are one or two higher roots that could possibly be pushed deeper down or removed, i think the tree itself could be planted deeper... at the next re pot(spring) i can asses whats going on properly, because i see a good base once those minor bits are addressed. some ground layering could be done once the tree is growing strongly. i do have some plans to slip it into an airpot in the meantime though...

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Zelkova serrata Empty Re: Zelkova serrata

Post  BobbyLane Sat May 23, 2015 7:37 pm

Hi folks

I have indeed decided to tidy up the roots today and i also carried out a ground layer for the first time, here are the pics..

Removing the top soil..
Zelkova serrata IMAG3315
Zelkova serrata IMAG3316
Zelkova serrata IMAG3318

Below ive cut away the cambium with a scalpel..i did this all around the back of the tree and did a little at the bottom of the curly root on the left, afterwards i rubbed with rooting hormone powder and packed tightly with spagnum and soil from the pot and top dressed with Kaizen number 1.
Zelkova serrata IMAG3319
Zelkova serrata IMAG3320
Zelkova serrata IMAG3321
The root overlapping the big fat root is bothering me..
Zelkova serrata IMAG3323

Looks much better after removing it..
Zelkova serrata IMAG3325
Zelkova serrata IMAG3326
Zelkova serrata IMAG3327

I like this as the front, it will stay in this pot and ill assess in spring. for now it will be left to grow out and tidy up and remove any crossing branches in winter when i can see the branches. It has potential as an informal broom, i think it will look quite nice in 2-3 years by clipping and growing.

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Zelkova serrata Empty Re: Zelkova serrata

Post  Eelo Sat May 23, 2015 11:58 pm

Waw great job on the trunk. I would also have removed the overlapping root if I were you. But i would turn the tree a couple degrees clockwise, for the front (atleast from what i've seen on the photos)

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Zelkova serrata Empty Re: Zelkova serrata

Post  M. Frary Sun May 24, 2015 7:28 am

The layer won't work if you don't go all the way around the trunk scraping down past the cambium layer. It will just heal over. You need to interrupt the flow completely. It will help immensely if you wipe the cambium off with rubbing alcohol.

M. Frary

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Zelkova serrata Empty Re: Zelkova serrata

Post  BobbyLane Sun May 24, 2015 11:34 am

Thanks guys
Hi M. Frary, here ive just made some window cuts around the back to induce new roots to form, i thought it was called ground layering i could be wrong, i understand air layering as making a ring cut around the entire girth of the tree as you suggested.
Im hoping new roots will form around the back, if it doesnt work i will try again at the next re pot in spring.

With a little ground cover..

Zelkova serrata IMAG3339

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Zelkova serrata Empty Re: Zelkova serrata

Post  Dirk Hoorelbeke Wed May 27, 2015 8:21 pm

You don't have to decide this year. Read on layering and calculate your options. 2 choices. Live with the roots you have now or make new and better nebari. It depends on taste and skills. Vigorous growth is needed if you want to do a complete layer. My opinion, go big or go home. Do it next year so you are more confident it's the best option.

Dirk Hoorelbeke

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Zelkova serrata Empty Re: Zelkova serrata

Post  BobbyLane Sat May 30, 2015 7:31 pm

So, after further observations, research and thought...ive decided to carry out a full layer of the bulbous base Very Happy

Here is my first air/ground layer in pics

Zelkova serrata IMAG3356_1
Zelkova serrata IMAG3357
Zelkova serrata IMAG3359
Zelkova serrata IMAG3361
Zelkova serrata IMAG3362
Zelkova serrata IMAG3363
Zelkova serrata IMAG3364

I used the same procedure as carried out here
Just hope it goes well and hopefully ive set this tree up well for the future now....
Also, im going to lay some black weed matting cloth over the top of the layer, to draw heat in. Looks like the OP in the thread above did something similar?

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Zelkova serrata Empty Re: Zelkova serrata

Post  Dirk Hoorelbeke Sat May 30, 2015 8:36 pm

Good option to take the plunge. Let it grow. Is it pure sphagnum? It might be wet for long. I like the option to build a container around it on the soil, fill it with good bonsai soil, at the level of the airlayer a bit sphagnum. It should root easy. Keep us posted.

Dirk Hoorelbeke

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