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Star Jasmine / Confederate Jasimine pruning question.

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Star Jasmine / Confederate Jasimine pruning question. Empty Star Jasmine / Confederate Jasimine pruning question.

Post  SamC Wed Jul 16, 2014 7:02 am

This question is regarding Trachelospermum jasminoides. I have read some about Trachelospermum asiaticum being used for bonsai, but specifically I have not found information relating to proper pruning - how many leaf sets to prune new growth back to?

I've worked it for about a dozen years and it has had a few setbacks, but now I have it close to its final size and would like to start pruning in earnest to try to get some back-budding to improve ramification. In the past I have let it run wild and cut back fairly hard, and this has helped the trunk fatten up considerably. It has pushed buds after being cut back, but it seems rather randomly.

Could anyone offer pruning suggestions? I've checked my library and several other sites and I haven't found anything. TIA!


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Star Jasmine / Confederate Jasimine pruning question. Empty Re: Star Jasmine / Confederate Jasimine pruning question.

Post  JimLewis Wed Jul 16, 2014 1:35 pm

Random is the right word. It is difficult to get an orderly looking bonsai out of either T. jasminoides or T. asiaticum. I lost mine in our very difficult winter this year, but this is the best I ever managed over about 15 years:

Star Jasmine / Confederate Jasimine pruning question. 5-12_f10

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Star Jasmine / Confederate Jasimine pruning question. Empty Re: Star Jasmine / Confederate Jasimine pruning question.

Post  Tom Simonyi Wed Jul 16, 2014 2:53 pm

Star Jasmine / Confederate Jasimine pruning question. J_offi11

Jim:  I really like yours....sorry you lost it.  I have been working on this one (Jasminum officinale) for five years...I agree with Jim...hard to control growth and get good ramification.  Good luck with yours, Sam.    Tom
Tom Simonyi
Tom Simonyi

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