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A few new trees

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A few new trees Empty A few new trees

Post  Storm Tue Oct 06, 2009 12:00 pm

Hi, just bought some new trees at a garden-centre, even though I said I wouldn't.. A moment of weakness! And there was a discount..
I bought these 3, for 20$ each. Just wanted to show them, and if you have some suggestions, please say so. Also a few thoughts would be nice.
Sorry about the bad pics..
A few new trees Dsc_0112

A few new trees Dsc_0210

Ilex Crenata
A few new trees Dsc_0113

A few new trees Dsc_0211

A few new trees Dsc_0212

Its just a start..

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A few new trees Empty Re: A few new trees

Post  Storm Wed Oct 07, 2009 8:16 am

Alright, no replies here.. Well, if you have any words, just come with them. I assume its like the last time I posted a pic of a tree, no one like their dance either?
I think Im just too scissor-happy really.

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A few new trees Empty Re: A few new trees

Post  Storm Wed Oct 07, 2009 8:56 am

I just noticed my last comment seemed a little edgy, that was ofcourse not intended. Wink

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A few new trees Empty Re: A few new trees

Post  Guest Wed Oct 07, 2009 3:20 pm

Hi Storm. I think the Box is the best of the bunch but I dont think you've been ruthless enough. Still too cluttered and undefined. You might find over time that the main branches are too thick. Try training the younger shoots that come from the trunk, you'll find them easier to put movement into as well. Keep practicing your wiring as well. You should'nt have crossed wires and the wire on the Ilex does'nt look like its doing much. Use a heavier gauge.


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A few new trees Empty Re: A few new trees

Post  Storm Wed Oct 07, 2009 6:47 pm

Thank you Will, thats just the comments I'm after here.
Im not really anywhere close to what I want to achieve, and I can see where I want to go, in my head, but Im not so good at it, and I was afraid of how far I could go with the cutting at this time of year.
The Sageretia, I haven't done much to, and not really the Ilex either. The wire doesn't help much, but its all I have at the moment. I would like the Ilex to look like something I call a "Safari Tree". Those which giraffes eat on..
If you have some ideas, please share them. I haven't worked on these types of trees before except the Ilex, and I don't want to kill them.. Like the last time.

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A few new trees Empty Re: A few new trees

Post  Guest Wed Oct 07, 2009 6:58 pm

Im not sure but has'nt Tony done workshops in Norway? Maybe he could suggest someone you could meet up with to glean some information from. Good clubs etc. Your heading in the right direction but physical guidance is a lot easier. I think you'll find it easier if you can find some native trees as well.


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A few new trees Empty Re: A few new trees

Post  Storm Wed Oct 07, 2009 7:02 pm

I don't know if he has. It would be great to get to know some people here, I haven't been on 1 show or seen anyone else's trees in real life. I've been in the forest for 4 hours today, and looking for bonsai, but I've hardly collected any trees before, only as experiments.
It would be great to get natives, but its not hard to find! =)

Too bad there isn't a big bonsai community here.

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A few new trees Empty Re: A few new trees

Post  Guest Wed Oct 07, 2009 7:22 pm

Are you anywhere near the coast? I've had holidays in Denmark and Sweden and seen lots of material. Twisted little Junipers, Pines and Oaks. Dont give up the search. You could always send Tony a pm


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A few new trees Empty Re: A few new trees

Post  Storm Wed Oct 07, 2009 7:26 pm

Yes, I'm very close to the sea. Could almost throw a rock into it.
I've seen some, but not sure what to look for. I just have to look more I guess. I think Im looking for more "ready" material than Im likely to find.

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A few new trees Empty Re: A few new trees

Post  JimLewis Wed Oct 07, 2009 7:40 pm

I think the most interesting tree of the lot is the one in the 4th picture. Dunno what it is, but if you rig a turnbuckle between the left hand trunk and the right branch and crank them up together, I think you may have the making of a decent twin trunk.

You may have to do the cranking by stages over a couple of weeks or a month, depending on hos stiff that wood is.

A few new trees Dsc_0210

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A few new trees Empty Re: A few new trees

Post  Kev Bailey Wed Oct 07, 2009 10:15 pm

Hi Storm,

Work with what you've got and patiently develop your knowledge and eye for what makes a good yamadori. Believe me, you are probably missing lots of stuff at the moment that is great pre-bonsai material. It takes a few trips with someone who has a good eye and is patient enough to explain what you need to look for. Understanding how to establish and how you can chop a particular species is critical.
Kev Bailey
Kev Bailey

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A few new trees Empty Re: A few new trees

Post  Storm Wed Oct 07, 2009 10:37 pm

Thanks for the feedbacks.
I guess my next step is to look for some bonsaipeople not far from me, and tag along =)

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