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Trunk diameter reduction in trunk chop

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Trunk diameter reduction in trunk chop Empty Trunk diameter reduction in trunk chop

Post  Neli Wed Nov 27, 2013 5:48 am

I tried to post this is advanced techniques but it seems I am not allowed.
A dear friend that helps me a lot with my styling sent me this today. Thought I shall share.since I think it is very interesting.
This is from Matiyie Che Makhtar: He is a genius and very experienced and creative artist.
Pictures show you everything.
Trunk diameter reduction in trunk chop 1421487_782579685101910_1759978541_n
Trunk diameter reduction in trunk chop 1080859_782579588435253_992607063_n
Trunk diameter reduction in trunk chop 1473799_782579621768583_926315100_n
Trunk diameter reduction in trunk chop 1481176_782579671768578_1469393730_n
Trunk diameter reduction in trunk chop 1462029_782579731768572_691158855_n

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Trunk diameter reduction in trunk chop Empty Re: Trunk diameter reduction in trunk chop

Post  Ashiod Wed Nov 27, 2013 8:23 am

It never ceases to amaze me what a tree will rebound from. I'm picking up a big(by my standards) ficus tomorrow that will need a trunk chop/air layer come spring, and this may come in extremely handy. Thanks for sharing!

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Trunk diameter reduction in trunk chop Empty Re: Trunk diameter reduction in trunk chop

Post  Guest Wed Nov 27, 2013 10:04 am

Thanks Neli.

I've seen trees done this way in Malaysia. Works Perfectly with Wrigthia and Ficus (not all sub species) . But others beware, Do not try the technique with trees that don't heal well and cold climate trees. The cut should also be done in a slanting position for the desired taper.

jun Smile 


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Trunk diameter reduction in trunk chop Empty Re: Trunk diameter reduction in trunk chop

Post  bingregory Wed Nov 27, 2013 11:54 am

Amazing! That must be a Wrightia he's operating on. I wish Matyie Che Makhtar was more active on IBC. Here's an article about him from a few months ago:

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Trunk diameter reduction in trunk chop Empty Re: Trunk diameter reduction in trunk chop

Post  Neli Wed Nov 27, 2013 12:34 pm

There are many articles about Maty and he does lots of presentations too. I did an article on him too but I have seen one also in one of the bonsai magazines. He does also lots of presentations.I just love his work. He is very talented and very kind.
He has helped me so many times including today again.
Here is some of his work though I have much more material to post about him.

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Trunk diameter reduction in trunk chop Empty Re: Trunk diameter reduction in trunk chop

Post  rps Thu Nov 28, 2013 4:44 am

There's an informative photo essay in the latest issue (Q4 2013) of BCI magazine, cataloging techniques to improve taper in Wrightia religiosa. It includes the sequence above and a couple of other equally astonishing manoeuvres. I'm now inspired to break out the power drill, some epoxy glue and zip ties this spring, the better to re-engineer the apex on a staid old ficus of mine.

But, to Jun's point: know your species (and its vascular system), before performing cosmetic surgery.

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Trunk diameter reduction in trunk chop Empty Re: Trunk diameter reduction in trunk chop

Post  Neli Thu Nov 28, 2013 6:08 am

Yes! That is where I saw the article on Maty. Page 8. (preview one)

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