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preliminary carving bougainvillea stump

my nellie
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preliminary carving bougainvillea stump Empty preliminary carving bougainvillea stump

Post  kauaibonsai Sun Aug 04, 2013 9:48 am

recently acquired this  large bougainvillea from a guy who'd done some initial carving on the deadwood.  today,  the tree was liberated from mucky soil and repotted.  after wiring and watering the tree into its new pot, I did some preliminary carving over the previous owners work.  the first 3 pictures show the tree before work starts.  the next 4 are durings and after.  the goal today was to reduce bulk and add some interest and movement to the tree.  the next phase will add shadows, mystery and refinement.

best wishes,   sam

url=]preliminary carving bougainvillea stump Dsc05710[/url[/url]preliminary carving bougainvillea stump Dsc05711[/urlpreliminary carving bougainvillea stump Dsc05712[/urlpreliminary carving bougainvillea stump Dsc05713[/urlpreliminary carving bougainvillea stump Dsc05714[/urlpreliminary carving bougainvillea stump Dsc05715[/urlpreliminary carving bougainvillea stump Dsc05716


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preliminary carving bougainvillea stump Empty carving

Post  abcd Sun Aug 04, 2013 6:19 pm

I think the dead wood and shari are too massive , virtual photographie
preliminary carving bougainvillea stump <a href=preliminary carving bougainvillea stump Carvin10" />

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preliminary carving bougainvillea stump Empty Re: preliminary carving bougainvillea stump

Post  kauaibonsai Sun Aug 04, 2013 9:32 pm

thanks, I like your idea

best wishes, sam


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preliminary carving bougainvillea stump Empty 2nd carving bougainvillea stump

Post  kauaibonsai Sun Aug 18, 2013 5:24 am

posted the results of preliminary carving on a big  bougainvillea stump in early august.  didn't get a lot of feedback,  but one I did get,  pointed out the overpowering size of the deadwood,  including a virtual I really liked.   today,  out came the tools.   a lot of deadwood bit the dust.  here is the result.  didn't do any smoothing of the rough cuts while I decide whether more is better or quit while I'm ahead.

best wishes,   sam

preliminary carving bougainvillea stump Dsc05716url=]preliminary carving bougainvillea stump Dsc05715[/url][preliminary carving bougainvillea stump Dsc05711[/urlpreliminary carving bougainvillea stump Dsc05712


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preliminary carving bougainvillea stump Empty Re: preliminary carving bougainvillea stump

Post  Jkd2572 Sun Aug 18, 2013 5:50 am

Are you going to apply wood hardener? I would think this going to rot very quickly.


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preliminary carving bougainvillea stump Empty Re: preliminary carving bougainvillea stump

Post  kauaibonsai Sun Aug 18, 2013 6:27 am

after drying, torching and sanding, I'll drench the deadwood with wood glue, brush it in to penetrate and let it dry. soft spots get a second/third coat until the wood stops sucking it in. have used this lately on soft wood. so far so good. hardens and waterproofs quite nicely.

best wishes, sam


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preliminary carving bougainvillea stump Empty Re: preliminary carving bougainvillea stump

Post  kauaibonsai Tue Aug 20, 2013 6:06 am

last few pictures.  sanding, torch, wire brush, one coat wood glue

best wishes,   sam

preliminary carving bougainvillea stump Dsc05717[/urlpreliminary carving bougainvillea stump Dsc05718[/urlpreliminary carving bougainvillea stump Dsc05719


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preliminary carving bougainvillea stump Empty Re: preliminary carving bougainvillea stump

Post  my nellie Tue Aug 20, 2013 8:08 am

kauaibonsai wrote:posted the results of preliminary carving on a big  bougainvillea stump in early august.  didn't get a lot of feedback... ...
Sam, summer and vacations are to blame Very Happy 
Your bougainvillea looks better now. I know "less is more" but now more proves to be better in my eyes.

P.S. : By the way, I always feel envy of your bougainvilleas Very Happy
my nellie
my nellie

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preliminary carving bougainvillea stump Empty Re: preliminary carving bougainvillea stump

Post  kauaibonsai Tue Aug 20, 2013 10:24 pm

thank you, alexandra

best wishes, sam


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preliminary carving bougainvillea stump Empty Re: preliminary carving bougainvillea stump

Post  Neli Fri Aug 30, 2013 10:33 am

Love your bougie....good project! I have plenty also...

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preliminary carving bougainvillea stump Empty Re: preliminary carving bougainvillea stump

Post  Khaimraj Seepersad Fri Aug 30, 2013 2:40 pm


I am afraid, my response would be - well done [ as usual ] !!

However, I do wonder on my side at any age Bougainvillea wood rots rapidly and even min wax or lime/sulphur does not help.
Any advice to offer ?
Thanks in advance.
Khaimraj Seepersad
Khaimraj Seepersad

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preliminary carving bougainvillea stump Empty Re: preliminary carving bougainvillea stump

Post  kauaibonsai Thu Sep 05, 2013 7:01 am

thanks nell and khaimarj

I think our climate is similar to yours, perhaps warmer and more humid year around. have not depended on LS much for wood preservation. really doesn't work as a wood preserver here. have had success with tung/teak oil, instant drying super glue, and currently carpenters glue (affordable). whatever one uses, regular followups insures longevity.

best wishes, sam


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preliminary carving bougainvillea stump Empty Re: preliminary carving bougainvillea stump

Post  Khaimraj Seepersad Thu Sep 05, 2013 10:14 am

Apologies, Sam,

reading too fast. Missed your first response. Sorry for being a nuisance. Will try your ideas.
Khaimraj Seepersad
Khaimraj Seepersad

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preliminary carving bougainvillea stump Empty Re: preliminary carving bougainvillea stump

Post  kauaibonsai Fri Sep 06, 2013 12:11 am

hello khaimarj

no apologies necessary. hope some of the ideas are helpful.

best wishes, sam


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preliminary carving bougainvillea stump Empty progress (very little) on large bougainvillea stump

Post  kauaibonsai Mon Jan 12, 2015 6:29 am

last posted an update on this large and very  nice bougainvillea  stump in 2013.  here is the tree today.  due to  lack of attention and an overly shady location,  very little progress has been made over the last year.  this is too nice a tree to ignore.  part of my 2015 resolutions.

good luck for the new year.   sam

preliminary carving bougainvillea stump Dsc01115[/urlpreliminary carving bougainvillea stump Dsc01116


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preliminary carving bougainvillea stump Empty Re: preliminary carving bougainvillea stump

Post  Leo Schordje Mon Jan 12, 2015 4:18 pm

The carving has aged nicely. Wonderful.
Leo Schordje
Leo Schordje

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preliminary carving bougainvillea stump Empty Re: preliminary carving bougainvillea stump

Post  kauaibonsai Mon Jan 12, 2015 9:05 pm

thank you, leo.

hopefully the canopy will grow and fill out. the trunk is there and then some.

best wishes, sam


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preliminary carving bougainvillea stump Empty Re: preliminary carving bougainvillea stump

Post  Indo Andreas Tue May 03, 2016 2:41 pm

Very nice tree, would love to see an update.

Indo Andreas

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