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Ficus burtt-davyi over a rock

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Ficus burtt-davyi over a rock Empty Ficus burtt-davyi over a rock

Post  Hank Miller Sat Jul 27, 2013 10:31 pm

Western NY does not have a tropical climate.  However, in the summer time my tropical bonsai, which are outside,  really like the climate.  Long days of sunlight coupled with a higher relative humidity  yields really copious growth.  This Ficus burtt-davyi , which I started about 4-5 years ago from a small cutting, has really filled out nicely.  Getting this species to grow over a rock takes a bit of time as Ficus burtt-davyi are not strangler figs.  The foliage is larger than I would prefer and needs some thinning.  However, at present I enjoy the lush growth. Enjoy. Hank

Ficus burtt-davyi over a rock Bd337610
Hank Miller
Hank Miller

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Ficus burtt-davyi over a rock Empty Re: Ficus burtt-davyi over a rock

Post  Jerry Meislik Sun Jul 28, 2013 12:06 am

Very nice Hank.
Jerry Meislik
Jerry Meislik

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Ficus burtt-davyi over a rock Empty Healthy FBD.

Post  lennard Sun Jul 28, 2013 7:32 pm

Your tree looks incredibly healthy, Hank!

I do have quite a few of these but I am still struggling to found the secret of growing them as nicely as yours:cry:  - and they are native here!

Good work.


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