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bonsai tree

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bonsai  tree Empty bonsai tree

Post  james carter Tue May 21, 2013 10:45 am

Hi all

i am in the bristol area and new to keeping bonsai i have about 8 bonsai that i have bought to go around my koi pond, im after someone who knows what there doing to repot a couple and have a general tidy up. if anyone can help please let me know my number is 07771541698 and email

many thanks
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Last edited by james carter on Tue May 21, 2013 7:34 pm; edited 1 time in total

james carter

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bonsai  tree Empty Re: bonsai tree

Post  fiona Tue May 21, 2013 11:29 am

Suggest you get in touch with the Bristol Bonsai club who may be able to help you. Or, depending on whereabouts you are, Swindon may be nearer. I suspect it will be too late to repot now but they can steer you in the right direction. Have you considered learning a few basic skills yourself so that you can do these tasks in future years? Again a club is your best bet.

But if you only want to hire someone to do the work, can I really strongly recommend that you check the credentials of whoever you get, especially if you have trees of any value.

And on that note, it would be really good to get some pics just so people on here can see what scale of work you are talking about.

Good luck

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