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My Chinese elm Leaves are green but crispy

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My Chinese elm Leaves are green but crispy Empty My Chinese elm Leaves are green but crispy

Post  allofall Mon Dec 10, 2012 9:12 pm

Hello all, this is my first post and first time joining a Bonsai forum.
Yesterday i bought 4 small Chinese elms to practice on them from a greenhouse, and tonight when i was checking them i found 3 of them got some dry green crispy leaves.
I did read some information about this issue and i think they have let the bonsai dry out at some stage.
This what i think, but I'm not sure so i hope to confirm that info based on the pictures and your experiences, and how i should treat it now. Confused
here is the pictures:
My Chinese elm Leaves are green but crispy Dscn1510
My Chinese elm Leaves are green but crispy Dscn1410
My Chinese elm Leaves are green but crispy Close-10
My Chinese elm Leaves are green but crispy Full-t10


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My Chinese elm Leaves are green but crispy Empty Re: My Chinese elm Leaves are green but crispy

Post  JimLewis Mon Dec 10, 2012 9:21 pm

You're right. That tree had been neglected at some point in its recent life. But it will be OK.

Personally, I'd work down from the top of this tree over several years with successive air layers and make several smaller trees out of it. It won't amount to much, otherwise.

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My Chinese elm Leaves are green but crispy Empty Re: My Chinese elm Leaves are green but crispy

Post  allofall Mon Dec 10, 2012 9:32 pm

JimLewis wrote:You're right. That tree had been neglected at some point in its recent life. But it will be OK.
Thank you so much for the fast reply, I appreciate it
JimLewis wrote:Personally, I'd work down from the top of this tree over several years with successive air layers and make several smaller trees out of it. It won't amount to much, otherwise.
I totally agree, this actually what i meant by practicing on them, I will wait till the early spring to start my first air layering Smile i have read this is the best time for it.
So now i will just water it, pruning unnecessary branches, and read more Smile
Or what do you think?

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My Chinese elm Leaves are green but crispy Empty Re: My Chinese elm Leaves are green but crispy

Post  JimLewis Mon Dec 10, 2012 9:59 pm

That'll work!

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