Bald Cypress - Winter Storage
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Bald Cypress - Winter Storage
Tried to post this...dont know if it hit. But I'm in Chicago where it will soon get cold. My bald cypress bonsai is in winter storage in my insulated garage closets. Question: Should I keep the plants in the same water filled trays that I used this Summer or not? Or should I take them out of water for the Winter. Thoughts, please.
rck89- Member
Re: Bald Cypress - Winter Storage
I take mine out of the water in the mid fall so they adapt to drier roots before winter storage. I am thinking that the large amount of water in the cells of a tree that sits in water would not be good when the the water freezes. I only have 1 so it is a very small data set.
Marty Weiser- Member
Re: Bald Cypress - Winter Storage
I am in a much warmer climate, but I still choose to remove my BC from water for the winter. I am not sure I have a sound reason for that other than that is what I have always done. I am sure it is different further north, but in the location I collect from here, the water the trees are in never freezes solid and only rarely, if ever, gets a skim of ice.
jgeanangel- Member
Re: Bald Cypress - Winter Storage
While the bc are leafless, they need (and use) MUCH less water. Many cypress ponds all but dry out in the winter, in Florida, anyway.
JimLewis- Member
Re: Bald Cypress - Winter Storage
Thanks all for the kind responses to my winter storage question regarding bald cypress. I took them all out of standing water and will water with the rest of my tress in storage. We will see what happens to them next Spring here in Chicago!
rck89- Member
Re: Bald Cypress - Winter Storage
I am a bit north of Chicago, near the IL-Wisc border. It won't hurt the BC to stand in water, but it is not necessary for them to stand in water. It is much easier for me to just water them with the rest of my trees in winter storage. I have wintered them in the back yard, with minimal protection, and in a mild winter, had no losses at all. By minimal I mean pots on the ground, under the bench, with tarps covering 3 sides, only the north side open. But most winters they eventually go into an unheated well house. This winter so far looks like it is going to be unusually mild. We might get another winter without any sub 0 F temperatures. But I plan to move my BC to the well house if I hear temps are going below 0 F.
Leo Schordje- Member
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