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Honeysuckle progression

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Honeysuckle progression Empty Honeysuckle progression

Post  DreadyKGB Sat Aug 18, 2012 12:51 am

Hey all,
I just wanted to show the progression of this honeysuckle over the course of three seasons. I like that anytime I'm in the mood to do some bonsai work I have this tree. There is always pruning and wiring to be done. So here it is after a couple hours of wiring and pruning today. Is it beginning to go somewhere good?

March 2010
Honeysuckle progression Lonice10

Late summer 2010
Honeysuckle progression P8180018

March 2011
Honeysuckle progression Pictur10

May 2011
Honeysuckle progression Pictur11

July 2011
Honeysuckle progression July_210

April 2012 with flowers
Honeysuckle progression April_10

Today after pruning and wiring
Honeysuckle progression P8170010

Honeysuckle progression P8170011

Comments and critique always welcome.


P.S. I know this was on an old thread but I wanted to consolidate it.

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Honeysuckle progression Empty Re: Honeysuckle progression

Post  bigbabol Sat Aug 18, 2012 1:14 am

thanks for sharing, the progression is going well, keep it up and show it later Very Happy
best regards!

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Honeysuckle progression Empty honeysuckle progression

Post  moyogijohn Sat Aug 18, 2012 1:17 am

IT is looking better and better !! i love the flowers,,smells good .. do you have bees to go with it also?? take care john


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Honeysuckle progression Empty Re: Honeysuckle progression

Post  coh Sun Aug 19, 2012 4:20 am

I like what you're doing with this. Do you know what species of honeysuckle this is? We have some kind of shrubby variety growing wild all over the place and I've been thinking about digging one to experiment with.


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Honeysuckle progression Empty Re: Honeysuckle progression

Post  DreadyKGB Sun Aug 19, 2012 5:09 pm

I'm pretty sure this is Lonicera Morrowii. It grows around here like crazy and is considered invasive. I have found that it is easy to dig collect as they tend to have a shallow root system. I have literally ripped them from the ground during every season and they survive well. Spring is best though and then water very heavy and put in full sun.


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Honeysuckle progression Empty Re: Honeysuckle progression

Post  coh Sun Aug 19, 2012 6:22 pm

I always thought our shrubs (which are definitely very invasive) were Lonicera tatarica, but it sounds like the differences between the two are quite trivial. I know Bill V has a nice collected specimen and it was that one that first put the idea in my head...seeing yours has gotten me interested again. Please keep us posted!

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Honeysuckle progression Empty Re: Honeysuckle progression

Post  DreadyKGB Sun Aug 19, 2012 6:30 pm

Yes, and there is also Mackii and maybe a couple others that have finite differences. I will keep this one updated. I find that their listing as invasive relieves me of any guilt in killing them off, so I have tested their limits in collection. I also like that they are fast growing, it keeps my hands off the trees that prefer patience.


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