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the wife's tree

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the wife's tree Empty the wife's tree

Post  john5555leonard Sun Sep 25, 2011 11:42 am

i bought a tree with the wifes housekeeping money, well she,s been on holiday down to phuket<see bonsai widows> and i kind of figured that i,d eat out of the freezer while she was away, so when she asked about the money i said here you are sweetheart i bought you a tree instead, i,v even named it after you, kai < it means chicken in thai > she was not impressed , anyway today i potted the tree and could,nt stop laughing , i thought i could not have named the tree better, its just like her, its got a fabulous trunk <body> but its going to be bloody difficult making it into a bonsai. regards john


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the wife's tree Empty Re: the wife's tree

Post  Harleyrider Sun Sep 25, 2011 12:26 pm

LOL, she's going to kill you if she ever reads this, John, lol.

Any chance we can see the tree? And maybe a pic of your good lady wife, so we can compare the likeness?

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the wife's tree Empty the wifes tree

Post  john5555leonard Sun Sep 25, 2011 3:06 pm

hi harleyrider, there is a photo of my wife on topic, bonsai widows and widowers, i,ll post a photo of the tree later, i,v actually no idea what the tree is, i bought it because it does have a great trunk but the leaves are big so it,s going to be hard work, again some tropical piece, just like the wife. regards john


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