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Just a JBP Question- No Picture

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Just a JBP Question- No Picture Empty Just a JBP Question- No Picture

Post  timahlen Mon Nov 23, 2009 1:26 am

I purchased one of my JBP's about ten years age. When I bought it, it had pretty good ramification already, but not much going for it trunkwise or taperwise. About four years ago, I put it in an 18"X24" growing box filled with a 50/50 combination of akadama and hard small-grained calcined clay. I allowed several lower branches to grow in an attempt to thicken the trunk. The trunk has increased by 1/4" to a 1 1/4" inch caliper at the base. It stands about 14" tall after one very dramatic bend. Two of the growing branches have become really strong, even to the point that they are putting out "jumbo" buds that are 2-3 times the size of the buds at the crown of the tree.

Here is my question: Do I need to be concerned that the growing branches can "take over" the tree's energy? And if so, should I trim back the growing branches so that they are more in balance with the rest of the tree? Or, should I just let the gvrowing branches go until I am satisfied with the lower trunk's caliper?

Tim Ahlen
Dallas TX
Zone 8b


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Just a JBP Question- No Picture Empty Re: Just a JBP Question- No Picture

Post  Gæst Mon Nov 23, 2009 6:32 am

Both. You need to let the branches grow to thicken the trunk, but also be aware of the health of the smaller (weaker) branches. By removing some needles of the strong growing branches, you can balance the strength. Keep an eye on the health of the branches, and adjust if necessary the strong branches by some needle reduction. If the lower and smaller branches are doing well, there is no reason to adjust the energy between these and the sacrifice branches let to grow.
Feed well to keep strong growth too.

Morten Albek


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