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Another blackthorn installation.

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Another blackthorn installation. Empty Another blackthorn installation.

Post  Jeremy Mon Apr 14, 2014 4:50 pm

Late spring installation.
Rustic Blackthorn, ancient woods, wild garlic and tanzaku flying birds through the clouds.
The birds fly away naturally for they tree the roost in.

Another blackthorn installation. 13849604343_8d3a477063_b
IMG_7499 by urobeam, on Flickr

wild garlic

Another blackthorn installation. 13849581755_2bd0c4bb1e_b
IMG_7506 by urobeam, on Flickr

tanzkaku by Paul Goff.

Another blackthorn installation. 13849600833_fdd47329f5_b
IMG_7504 by urobeam, on Flickr

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Another blackthorn installation. Empty Re: Another blackthorn installation.

Post  MichaelJ Tue Apr 15, 2014 7:17 pm

I wish blackthorn was readily available in the U.S. I love that species.


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Another blackthorn installation. Empty Re: Another blackthorn installation.

Post  tmmason10 Tue Apr 15, 2014 9:08 pm

I'm with Michael on that. Michael- I am trying prunus Angustifolia starting this year hopefully as a native flowering tree like ume or blackthorn.

Jeremy- great tree!


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Another blackthorn installation. Empty Re: Another blackthorn installation.

Post  Jeremy Wed Apr 16, 2014 6:09 am

tmmason10 wrote:I'm with Michael on that. Michael- I am trying prunus Angustifolia starting this year hopefully as a native flowering tree like ume or blackthorn.

Jeremy- great tree!

I think if you can source the older, mature barked prunus Angustifolia you would likely be "hitting the ball out of the park"
In Wales blackthorn are used as a hedging material, but the ones we look for are usually collected off hillsides, grazed by animals and hit by adverse weather. Good fissured bark, and lots of movement throughtout the trunk and branch are hard to find and are usually very hard to collect. I have recently found a some just a half mile from my house in an abandoned limestone quarry and have ground layered a couple as an experiment. Time will tell.
Good luck with you journey.

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