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is it fungus sporulation ?

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is it  fungus sporulation ? Empty is it fungus sporulation ?

Post  Alain Bertrand Sat Apr 23, 2011 1:02 pm

Hi all,

I have a trident mapple which is a little bit lazy this spring compared to my other and unfortunately, I think this is related to the black spots visible on the picture.
is it  fungus sporulation ? IMG_1484

Would any one know what kind of fungus it could be and how to treat.

Alain Bertrand

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is it  fungus sporulation ? Empty is it fungus sporulation ?

Post  Guest Sat Apr 23, 2011 6:09 pm

Hello Alain. At first glance this looks like a black version of the orange or red Coral spot fungus that usually manifests itself on deadwood but is known to spread to live wood. Out with the fungicide I reckon.


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is it  fungus sporulation ? Empty Re: is it fungus sporulation ?

Post  Alain Bertrand Sat Apr 23, 2011 8:50 pm

Thanks for your answer. Today was warm and when I went back to my tree to, at least, kill the sporulations with chlorine, growth was impressive compared to noon Crying or Very sad
I am going to apply mancozebe and myclobutanil, the only fungicides I got but an internet search doesn't show them as being much effective.

Alain Bertrand

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is it  fungus sporulation ? Empty Re: is it fungus sporulation ?

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