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Suiseki from Viet Nam-- including

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Suiseki from Viet Nam-- including Empty Suiseki from Viet Nam-- including

Post  pham ngoc tuan Thu Apr 22, 2010 3:41 pm

Greetings to admin and all members of Internet bonsai club.I'm from Viet Nam .It's my pleasure to join this forum.I hope to have your comments and supports and share with me my passion of this type of art..."stone"
Suiseki from Viet Nam-- including P5018322

Last edited by pham ngoc tuan on Sat May 01, 2010 3:58 pm; edited 5 times in total

pham ngoc tuan

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Suiseki from Viet Nam-- including Empty Re: Suiseki from Viet Nam-- including

Post  Chris Cochrane Thu Apr 22, 2010 4:23 pm

Hi Pham... Thanks for sharing. Is the smaller stone placed in front of a larger & darker stone suggesting the form of a bamboo sprout? Are others suggestive as well as decorative?
Chris Cochrane
Chris Cochrane

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Suiseki from Viet Nam-- including Empty Alive sprout

Post  pham ngoc tuan Fri Apr 23, 2010 2:26 pm

Hi Chris...It's right,as you think.This piece of art "Alive sprout " is inspired from mascot(yoni and linga) which were worshiped by the Champa.
Suiseki from Viet Nam-- including P5018323 Suiseki from Viet Nam-- including P5018324

Last edited by pham ngoc tuan on Sat May 01, 2010 4:05 pm; edited 4 times in total

pham ngoc tuan

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Suiseki from Viet Nam-- including Empty Re: Suiseki from Viet Nam-- including

Post  Chris Cochrane Fri Apr 23, 2010 3:09 pm

Hi Pham... If the "Alive Sprout Bamboo" stone is considered a Linga stone, your Yoni stone appears to dwarf it! The Yoni stone recalls the hood of a cobra separated from its small head/face for me. I could imagine mounting them together with the Alive Sprout Bamboo stone seating raised in height relative to the enveloping stone behind it.

Are bamboo sprouts typically associated with "male/ying/Linga energy?" It is an interesting layering of meaning for a "bamboo sprout" stone.

Last edited by Chris Cochrane on Fri Apr 23, 2010 4:05 pm; edited 2 times in total
Chris Cochrane
Chris Cochrane

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Suiseki from Viet Nam-- including Empty Re: Suiseki from Viet Nam-- including

Post  Chris Cochrane Fri Apr 23, 2010 3:43 pm

Are the stone seats displaying a mix of light & dark colored wood made of persimmon, ebony (Madagascar?), another natural wood or crafted by staining? Contrasting-tone persimmon is a very favored wood for some chanoyu "tea ceremony" utensils; it was a favorite of the late 17th century tea utensil collector Matsudiara Fumai, who is credited with categorizing original utensils by famed early masters separated from later treasured utensils.

I love the dual tones (in color) of persimmon as suggesting a dual universe with male & female energies-- light & dark. Western suiseki author Felix Rivera notes this dual tone quality for suiseki as notan (Japanese). Inyo (Japanese) is often referenced in text to refer to distinctions of light & dark as a metaphor for energy best known in the West as the Chinese yin/yang "male/female" principle. Out of the 2 principals & 5 materials springs the world of objects which is maya (Indian) "illusion."
Chris Cochrane
Chris Cochrane

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Suiseki from Viet Nam-- including Empty New

Post  pham ngoc tuan Sun Apr 25, 2010 4:43 am

Thanks to you Chris for your comment and suggestion.I have collected a new "Sprout" and think you will like it. from Viet Nam-- including P4237838

pham ngoc tuan

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Suiseki from Viet Nam-- including Empty Re: Suiseki from Viet Nam-- including

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