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My chojubai

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My chojubai Empty My chojubai

Post  Neli Sat Apr 19, 2014 6:07 am

As promised here are my chojubai:
They are not yet styled...just a light trim on two of them.
My chojubai 1476327_10200722563338498_630531740_n
My chojubai 1470306_10200722570498677_1851468200_n
it has divine bark
My chojubai 1452047_10200722576258821_940162136_n
My chojubai 10262011_10201404124977113_6501334991119455819_n

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My chojubai Empty Re: My chojubai

Post  Neli Sat Apr 19, 2014 6:11 am

This chojubai looks like exposed root but is actually 5 trunks fused with some roots exposed. I still think I need to thicken the trunk and roots a bit more. I wired it but did not chop anything yet. I left the extensions of the trunks to grow as sacrifice branches. Just gave direction to the branches I would like to keep. The trunks are somewhat fused, but I tied them in few places to fuse some more. Also some of them will need to develop branches withing the canopy I want so they can be chopped later.
My chojubai 1463053_10200774161828428_329079529_n

and after:
My chojubai 1483297_10200774143187962_806024394_n

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My chojubai Empty Re: My chojubai

Post  Neli Sat Apr 19, 2014 6:14 am

I think I have one or two more but need to take pictures first.

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My chojubai Empty Re: My chojubai

Post  robert nocher Sat Apr 19, 2014 11:19 am

They are lovely,I like the last one very much  thumbs up 
robert nocher
robert nocher

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My chojubai Empty Re: My chojubai

Post  Neli Sun Apr 20, 2014 1:05 am

I love the literati one...Just need to style it...
I was so inspired by the elegance of this tree leather back sent me that I really wanted a tree in that style.
I love this is music to my eyes...
My chojubai 37452510

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