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Maple Budding

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Maple Budding Empty Maple Budding

Post  Bonsai_Steve1 Wed Apr 16, 2014 9:33 pm

Hey there guys Just a general question really i read that Trident maples are the first to bud out in the spring. Can anyone tell me if this is true? Im asking because i have a Red japanese maple and two Tridents. The tridents still have not pushed out the new growth yet, while the japanese maple is already pushing new growth. Im not really concerned about this more anxious than anything to see signs of life any thoughts on this?


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Maple Budding Empty Re: Maple Budding

Post  geoff Wed Apr 16, 2014 10:01 pm

Hi Steve,
I have a small Trident that leafed out along with my other mountain maples, but my large Trident was some weeks later.
I think it's down to individual trees and where the're sited in your garden.



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