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any ideas for this bonsai

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any ideas for this bonsai Empty any ideas for this bonsai

Post  maher Mon Apr 23, 2012 9:37 pm

any ideas for this bonsai Dscf0318
any ideas for this bonsai Dscf0319
any ideas for this bonsai Dscf0320


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any ideas for this bonsai Empty Re: any ideas for this bonsai

Post  Billy M. Rhodes Mon Apr 23, 2012 9:45 pm

Your soil looks very heavy, make sure it drains well and be careful of over watering. I would think the resources for growing Bonsai in Jordan would be limited and make it a real challenge. I visited Jordan in March of 2011 spent two nights in Ammon and visited Petra and Jorash. Great country.
Billy M. Rhodes
Billy M. Rhodes

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any ideas for this bonsai Empty Re: any ideas for this bonsai

Post  maher Mon Apr 23, 2012 9:52 pm

thanks a lot


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