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Miscellaneous urban yamadori (2 months after)

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Miscellaneous urban yamadori (2 months after) Empty Miscellaneous urban yamadori (2 months after)

Post  Poink88 Tue Mar 20, 2012 12:37 am

Here are a few of my collected trees 2 months after...

A boxwood. My mother-in-law already claimed this after it is re-potted. The (green) taped branch on the left is an experiment and will be removed later.
Miscellaneous urban yamadori (2 months after) P1120017

Another boxwood. This one is mine! LOL
Miscellaneous urban yamadori (2 months after) P1120021

A crab apple root. I re-potted this one (rather pot in a pot) to change the orientation. I also planted 4 other pieces from the main tree. They are much smaller and all but one have buds and leaves is the main tree!!! cheers
Miscellaneous urban yamadori (2 months after) P1120025

A cedar elm.
Miscellaneous urban yamadori (2 months after) P1120027

I am very pleased since it is only March! Very Happy

Last edited by Poink88 on Tue Mar 20, 2012 1:43 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Miscellaneous urban yamadori (2 months after) Empty Re: Miscellaneous urban yamadori (2 months after)

Post  JMcCoy Tue Mar 20, 2012 1:43 am

They all look nice and healthy! With our very mild spring, there's no where to go but up!

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Miscellaneous urban yamadori (2 months after) Empty Re: Miscellaneous urban yamadori (2 months after)

Post  Poink88 Tue Mar 20, 2012 1:22 pm

Thanks Joey.

I am waiting for some of the boxwood branches to bud back so I can shorten a few of them a bit more. I know I also need to remove a few branches but it is getting harder to decide which ones. If you have any recommendation, fire away.

With spring here, these should be lush in a month or so.

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Miscellaneous urban yamadori (2 months after) Empty miscellaneous urban yamadori

Post  moyogijohn Tue Mar 20, 2012 6:43 pm

POINK 88,, I like the second boxwood,yours,, I hope it buds back good for you..going to be a nice bonsai !! take care john


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Miscellaneous urban yamadori (2 months after) Empty Re: Miscellaneous urban yamadori (2 months after)

Post  Poink88 Tue Mar 20, 2012 7:34 pm

Thanks John,

I also like it and hope it buds back well too. It already have a lot of small buds on some branches. Smile

I need to bend down that lone branch at the right side and I think I have a workable idea...but I will experiment on another tree first Very Happy.

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Miscellaneous urban yamadori (2 months after) Empty Re: Miscellaneous urban yamadori (2 months after)

Post  JMcCoy Wed Mar 21, 2012 7:07 am

Hi Dario,
Looking at the pic of boxwood #2, I only see one branch that I'd remove. Maybe that really large branch at the top left that seems out of proportion. I did a quick virt without it and added some foliage. Not a bad shape! Of course, well-made real ramification will make it look 100% better than this.
Miscellaneous urban yamadori (2 months after) P1120010

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Miscellaneous urban yamadori (2 months after) Empty Re: Miscellaneous urban yamadori (2 months after)

Post  Poink88 Wed Mar 21, 2012 1:24 pm


I appreciate the virt and it is very nice too! Jo thought it is a totally different tree this morning.

I have been contemplating that for a while now since it doesn't seem to help the tree from the front. But other than that and it being big, the branch actually works well when you rotate the tree. That is why I cannot bring myself to remove it (yet). It will most likely be done...I just need to see how it looks as the foliage develops.


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