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Grafting mugo shots into a montezunae and mexican white pine(ayacahuite)

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Grafting mugo shots into a montezunae and mexican white pine(ayacahuite) Empty Grafting mugo shots into a montezunae and mexican white pine(ayacahuite)

Post  Eusk69 Thu Feb 09, 2012 7:44 am


Its possible to graft shots from mugo pine in this two mexican pines?
any help will be great

I will post some pics tomorrow


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Grafting mugo shots into a montezunae and mexican white pine(ayacahuite) Empty Re: Grafting mugo shots into a montezunae and mexican white pine(ayacahuite)

Post  tanlu Tue Feb 28, 2012 4:54 am

Why would you want to? Foliage of Mexican Pinyon pines is already quite beautiful.


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