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Winter Care for Dwarf Japanese Juniper

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Winter Care for Dwarf Japanese Juniper Empty Winter Care for Dwarf Japanese Juniper

Post  bill80132 Fri Jan 06, 2012 5:27 am

Hello, I am new to the forum and I am finding it to be a great source of information. Last July I received a Dwarf Japanese Juniper bonsai as a gift. It is in a 2 inch deep pot that is 5 inches long and 4 inches wide. During the summer I had it in a sunny spot on the deck and it did real well. Now that it is cold here at night I have been keeping it in my unheated garage at night and moving it to a sunny window in the house during the day. It continues to put on new growth that is compact and a healthy green.

Is this a good strategy, or will this cause me any problems down the line. Thanks, Bill


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Winter Care for Dwarf Japanese Juniper Empty Re: Winter Care for Dwarf Japanese Juniper

Post  JimLewis Fri Jan 06, 2012 3:42 pm

That will work, though most plants would prefer not to be moved around that much. I don't know where your part of Colorado is, but I imagine it gets pretty cold.

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