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Starting Sequoia from seed

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Starting Sequoia from seed Empty Starting Sequoia from seed

Post  revned Sat Jul 23, 2011 11:45 pm

Hi everyone! I'm new to the community as well as bonsai. I do have a basic understanding of the concept and I have many years of experience growing many different things. I feel confident that I can do this successfully.

I am starting 20 Sequoia Sempervirens and Sequoiadendron Giganteum seeds. 4 of the Sequoia Sempervirens have begun germinating and were planted in 6 inch pots with miracle grow organic choice soil. (all I had on hand at the moment, I plan to get some native soil from a local redwood forest) I do understand it's going to take some years before I have a trainable plant, I am patient enough.

I'm not finding much information about after the seeds are germinated, plenty of information on how to germinate. But I need to know how large of a pot I should keep them in until they are ready to be put in their final pots and for how many years specifically for Sequoia because they are incredibly fast growers.


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Starting Sequoia from seed Empty Re: Starting Sequoia from seed

Post  coh Sun Jul 24, 2011 12:21 am

Do you have all 4 seedlings in one 6" pot, or is each plant in its own pot? Without seeing them, I'd guess that they are way over-potted if they've just germinated and are each in 6" pots. Think you'd do better with much smaller pots and gradually increase pots size as the roots develop. Make sure to use a very free-draining mix.

I've not grown these from seed, but I do have a seq. sempervirens that I got as a young tree in fall 2007. I don't have records of its size at the time, but trunk thickness may have been 1/2 - 3/4" (and it was in a 4" pot at that point). It's now about 2.5" at the base and approaching 7' in height (and in a 15" pot). We don't have the longest growing season, so you'd probably be able to get faster growth.


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Starting Sequoia from seed Empty Re: Starting Sequoia from seed

Post  revned Sun Jul 24, 2011 3:06 am

It is a pot to each seedling. The pots may be smaller, but this was the smallest I could find. I guess I could try plastic cups or something. I just don't want to use clay yet cause they dry up very quickly.


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