How to kill Spider Mites?
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How to kill Spider Mites?
Can anyone please tell me the best product to use to kill and control mites on my conifers?
I hear Bayer's Rose & Flower insect spray works well as does Safer's End-All II Miticide & Insecticide
Does anybody have any first hand experience using either of these products on their bonsai to kill
and control mites?
I hear Bayer's Rose & Flower insect spray works well as does Safer's End-All II Miticide & Insecticide
Does anybody have any first hand experience using either of these products on their bonsai to kill
and control mites?
Frank55- Member
Re: How to kill Spider Mites?
I went to Lowe's about a pear tree having strange leaf problems and they said it could be spider mites because they are really bad this year for some reason. They said to put two tablespoons of lemon dishwashing liquid in a gallon of water, add "a splash" of normal 70% isopropyl rubbing alcohol if I want to, and spray that on both the top and bottom of the leaves and let it dry. So I did that and sprayed everything I have with it, deciduous, conifer, sunflowers, herbs, marigolds, weeds, everything. That was only last night though.... I know it is safe for normal plants, I am not certain about conifers though why they would be different I don't know. On the other hand, you can kill plants by putting straight dishwashing liquid on them. I think the Safer product is probably some kind of soap or detergent too. Unless either one of those products says its SAFE for conifers then I probablyu wouldn't risk your bonsai with them though. It would be too much grief....
jonkatzmail- Member
Re: How to kill Spider Mites?
A hard spray of water into the canopy of your trees will get rid of the mites. You will, of course, have to re-spray periodically.
Then, keep the trees separated; give them ventilation, and (this is one time that) regular misting will help.
Then, keep the trees separated; give them ventilation, and (this is one time that) regular misting will help.
JimLewis- Member
Spider Mites
Bayer's Rose & Flower spray may be Imidacloprid. See other threads on this. Imidacloprid is reported to make spider mites worse. You need a product that is specifically listed for mites. The two-way granular Rose & Flower Treatment is a different pesticide listed for mites. However, it is not listed for pot plants. Proceed cautiously. Meanwhile, follow Jim's advice.
bonsaisr- Member
Re: How to kill Spider Mites?
Jim's advice is the BEST solution. You have to work quickly, or else they will reproduce with extreme ease. I also spray my junipers with non-oil malathion, if the case is too severe.
As stated by Jim, regular misting of the foliage will eliminate the problem. They seem to hate a wet environment.
Warm regards,
Jose Luis
As stated by Jim, regular misting of the foliage will eliminate the problem. They seem to hate a wet environment.
Warm regards,
Jose Luis
jrodriguez- Member
Re: How to kill Spider Mites?
I like the idea of just using water sprayed on my pear tree but I was doing that already and it didn't seem to do anything. The dish liquid doesn't seem to have hurt anything except a sunflower plant and it made it wilt a bit. I washed everything off the next night while it rained. I guess that was being redundant, too, also, in addition....
jonkatzmail- Member
Re: How to kill Spider Mites?
jonkatzmail wrote:I like the idea of just using water sprayed on my pear tree but I was doing that already and it didn't seem to do anything. The dish liquid doesn't seem to have hurt anything except a sunflower plant and it made it wilt a bit. I washed everything off the next night while it rained. I guess that was being redundant, too, also, in addition....
I've never seen spider mites on a pear. A water spray will be less effective on other insects. What makes you think you have spider mites? Pears tend to get aphids and other critters.
JimLewis- Member
Neem Oil
I have routine annual bouts of spider mite on juniper. Neem Oil mixed with a dab of dish soap or rubbing alcohol (to emulsify in water) sprayed on foliage has worked well for me. Keep out of strong sun for a couple of days, it may burn. Then return to sun, and your spider mite problem will soon go away. Your foliage will never look more green, something in the Neem Oil does this. Reapply in 2-3 weeks if needed. Works great, good luck.
Josh- Member
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