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boxwood...which front?

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boxwood...which front? Empty boxwood...which front?

Post  tombiosis Sat May 23, 2009 8:20 pm

I am trying to make a broom style bonsai with this boxwood. It seems very healthy, with lots of fresh growth this season.
Which front do you think works better?
this one:
boxwood...which front? Box110

or this one:
boxwood...which front? Box210


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boxwood...which front? Empty Re: boxwood...which front?

Post  Jim Doiron Sat May 23, 2009 10:45 pm

Hey tombiosis, I think the first is the stronger of the two but I would raise the soil level to hide those longer roots. Here is rough virtual:

boxwood...which front? Box11010
Jim Doiron
Jim Doiron

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boxwood...which front? Empty Re: boxwood...which front?

Post  Joe Hatfield Sun May 24, 2009 4:39 am

I agree. The first looks nice.
Joe Hatfield
Joe Hatfield

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boxwood...which front? Empty Re: boxwood...which front?

Post  Alan Walker Sun May 24, 2009 4:43 am

I think a shorter and wider canopy would improve your design. You are off to a good start.
Alan Walker
Alan Walker

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boxwood...which front? Empty Re: boxwood...which front?

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