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John Pitt pot log

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John Pitt pot log Empty John Pitt pot log

Post  Mike Jones Tue May 24, 2011 7:29 pm

Got this from John at BoBB. Displayed at our local club show last weekend. Mostly stuff from the paths at around the garden. I'm pleased with it; but then I'm pleased with all of the John Pitt Pots I have Smile

John Pitt pot log Fzddf
Mike Jones
Mike Jones

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John Pitt pot log Empty Re: John Pitt pot log

Post  Russell Coker Wed May 25, 2011 2:38 am

Hey Mike.

Very nice! By any chance do you know the name of the little ferny plant at the upper left? I've been trying to help friends with an i-d and I'm coming up empty!

Russell Coker
Russell Coker

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John Pitt pot log Empty Re: John Pitt pot log

Post  landerloos Wed May 25, 2011 6:31 am

Cotula (Leptinella), wont come with the rest of the name there are many different kinds and varieties.


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John Pitt pot log Empty Re: John Pitt pot log

Post  Mike Jones Wed May 25, 2011 8:06 am

Russell Coker wrote:Hey Mike.

Very nice! By any chance do you know the name of the little ferny plant at the upper left? I've been trying to help friends with an i-d and I'm coming up empty!


Sure Russell; it is Leptinella squalida spec. Platt's Black. Foliage is mostly dark grey to black with some tinges of green, Flowers are insignificant, like small buttons (akin to a daisy) that never open. We have much here in the garden so it was a case of doing the usual and taking some on.


Mike Jones
Mike Jones

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John Pitt pot log Empty Re: John Pitt pot log

Post  Russell Coker Wed May 25, 2011 12:45 pm

Thanks guys!!!

I really appreciate the help.

Russell Coker
Russell Coker

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John Pitt pot log Empty Re: John Pitt pot log

Post  Stone Monkey Tue May 31, 2011 12:51 pm




Stone Monkey
Stone Monkey

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John Pitt pot log Empty Re: John Pitt pot log

Post  Mike Jones Tue May 31, 2011 12:53 pm

Thanks Andy, I really do enjoy this one.

Mike Jones
Mike Jones

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