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Maclura pomifera

Ravi Kiran
Todd Ellis
15 posters

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Maclura pomifera - Page 2 Empty Re: Maclura pomifera

Post  JimLewis Sun Jul 08, 2012 12:40 pm

leatherback wrote:Wow,
That is just one year of development? That is amazing! I don't think I have ever come across a species thickening up that quickly! Is it a tropical or temperate species?

I think you misunderstand. This is the old tree. I grew it from a root sprout years ago in Tallahassee. You can thumb through the first few pages of this thread for its history and background.

The trees immediately preceding this one were seedlings obtained from Musser Forests 2 years or so) ago. I'm simply updating an old thread.

It is a native North American species from the U.S. Midwest (Arkansas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri, etc.) but has been replanted in the eastern USA (at least) as windbreaks and fencerow trees (because of the thorns).

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Maclura pomifera - Page 2 Empty Re: Maclura pomifera

Post  leatherback Sun Jul 08, 2012 12:55 pm


I was actually referring to the 'seedlingspost' and their development. NOt to the other plant. And yes, I did read through the whole thread Smile

Sounds like a species that would survive here as well. Maybe I should try to get one. Hm. Choices .. Very Happy

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Maclura pomifera - Page 2 Empty Re: Maclura pomifera

Post  Russell Coker Sun Jul 08, 2012 2:37 pm

Jim, how did these grow for you in Tallahassee? I've never seen them this far south. They were all over the place around Starkville and Columbus, Mississippi, and seemed to LOVE that chalky terrible "soil".

The biggest one I've ever seen is on the grounds of a plantation in Nashville. It is so big that it dominates the landscape. As we approached I couldn't imagine what kind od tree I was seeing, and I was shocked to learn that it was an Osage orange. I'm talking live oak BIG! I think I have a picture of it somewhere...
Russell Coker
Russell Coker

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Maclura pomifera - Page 2 Empty Re: Maclura pomifera

Post  JimLewis Sun Jul 08, 2012 2:50 pm

I had 5 of them growing along my long drive. They were grown from seed harvested from a fruit my daughter got hold of somewhere, planted in 1979. When we left, they were about 25 feet high. Trunk girths about 9 inches. This one is a root sprout harvested in 1998 or 99 and potted in 2000 or thereabouts.

You might order some from Musser Forests.

The Champion Osage Orange:

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Maclura pomifera - Page 2 Empty Re: Maclura pomifera

Post  Russell Coker Sun Jul 08, 2012 3:43 pm

Russell Coker
Russell Coker

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Maclura pomifera - Page 2 Empty maclura pomifera fruit

Post  abcd Sun Jul 08, 2012 6:05 pm

OSAGE ORANGE fruit[/url]

Assume you were trying to show they odd fruit:
Maclura pomifera - Page 2 Jun36

Mine must be male. It has never fruited.

Last edited by JimLewis on Sun Jul 08, 2012 9:19 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : add picture)

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