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25º European Suiseki Congress 2009 - Lorca (Murcia) - Spain

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25º European Suiseki Congress 2009 - Lorca (Murcia) - Spain Empty 25º European Suiseki Congress 2009 - Lorca (Murcia) - Spain

Post  spanish-suiseki-associati Fri Apr 10, 2009 4:01 pm

Dear all,

I would like to share with all of you the pictures of the winner' stones in the 25º European Suiseki Congress 2009, in Lorca (Murcia) - Spain.

25º European Suiseki Congress 2009 - Lorca (Murcia) - Spain Suiseki-AES-20

25º European Suiseki Congress 2009 - Lorca (Murcia) - Spain Suiseki-euroepan-suiseki-association-lorca-14

25º European Suiseki Congress 2009 - Lorca (Murcia) - Spain Suiseki-euroepan-suiseki-association-lorca-23

25º European Suiseki Congress 2009 - Lorca (Murcia) - Spain Suiseki-euroepan-suiseki-association-lorca-41

25º European Suiseki Congress 2009 - Lorca (Murcia) - Spain Suiseki-AES-1

25º European Suiseki Congress 2009 - Lorca (Murcia) - Spain Suiseki-AES-23

As far as I know the 1st and 2nd of these photos are Spanish stones, and the 3rd is a French stone.

What do you think about them?

Best regards,
José Manuel Blázquez

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25º European Suiseki Congress 2009 - Lorca (Murcia) - Spain Empty Re: 25º European Suiseki Congress 2009 - Lorca (Murcia) - Spain

Post  Chris Cochrane Sat Apr 11, 2009 1:03 pm

Wow! Great stones, interesting presentations & sharp photos.

Thanks, José! Should we be learning the craftsmen who are known for daiza carving in Europe-- both for their own stones and for others?

The first stone is a stunner if the surface is natural & the stone uncut. Its daiza looks too long for the stone it holds. If taken very close, the photo perhaps distorts the daiza's height.

Medium to deeply hued blue daiza seem to be avoided in my area, except when the base is exposed to reveal water. The ubiquitous off-white is so often chosen that it competes with 'scrolls of the moon' as most regularly used in display. I understand the quiet off-white as a safe choice, but what of the common blue suiban, which we know as readily available? Has it seasonal advantage or is it complementary to stones of particular color or texture?

Tucking the feet more under (rather than outside) the footprint of the third stone would add to the stone's elegance. Placing a foot under a closed arch (cave) at the base of this stone is distracting. The foot doesn't support weight, as placed. It might be better for the daiza to follow the stone's contour at this area-- roughly...
25º European Suiseki Congress 2009 - Lorca (Murcia) - Spain Esa-lo10

There are many excellent stones & presentations of stones in this exhibition. José posted a link view the fuller exhibition yesterday

Thank you, again, for generously sharing.
Chris Cochrane
Chris Cochrane

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25º European Suiseki Congress 2009 - Lorca (Murcia) - Spain Empty Re: 25º European Suiseki Congress 2009 - Lorca (Murcia) - Spain

Post  spanish-suiseki-associati Sun Apr 12, 2009 3:43 pm

Hi Chris,

We are very new in Spain, except some of my colleagues like Jesús Quintas, Pilar Guillén o María Rosa Bonet, just they are some the winners (some of these suiseki belongs to them), so we have to learn a lot (at least me)

1st stone belongs to Miguel Pérez, but it was hunted by Rafael Monje. The stone is totally natural and uncut. The photo distorts something but I agree the suiban is a little big for the stone. The problem was Miguel hadn't the right size / colour of suiban and he hadn't enough time to make a daiza for this stone. This was chosen as the best stone by BIC.

2nd and 5th stones belong to María Rosa Bonet. As far as I remember, María Rosa won 5 awards!! in this exhibition.

3rd stone belongs to Pilar Guillén, but as the 1st stone, it was hunted by Rafael Monje. Pilar is improving a lot with making daiza and I am sure she will take into account your comments (I will translate them to her). If we only take the top shape of the mountain, maybe you are right; but the photo distorts a little the stone and we cannot see there is a cape at this point of the coastline and I think Pilar wants to stress this point. In my opinion selecting the legs in the best position is one of the most difficult decisions.

4th stone belongs to Jesús Quintas.

6th stone belongs to Chiara Padrini.

I hope all of you enjoy with the rest of the pictures you can find at the recommended link.

Best regards,
José Manuel Blázquez

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25º European Suiseki Congress 2009 - Lorca (Murcia) - Spain Empty Re: 25º European Suiseki Congress 2009 - Lorca (Murcia) - Spain

Post  chiara Mon Apr 13, 2009 10:30 am

Que tal José ! Muchas gracias por la foto de mi piedra.

I would like to express my personal though regarding some notes of Chris. i dont like too many legs like a dental plate as we can see in the daiza of the beatiful Cap de Creus (Spain) stone of M. Rosa Bonnet, and I agree with Chris for the position of the third leg from left of Pilar's stone, because it is too close and under the cave, but two leg in the Chirs drowing are (for me) too close each other. I think that only two little changes can be enogh. To put the third leg a little bit at the right side and to carve bigger legs.
25º European Suiseki Congress 2009 - Lorca (Murcia) - Spain

I know these are the first attempts of Pilar and she made a very good work.



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25º European Suiseki Congress 2009 - Lorca (Murcia) - Spain Empty Re: 25º European Suiseki Congress 2009 - Lorca (Murcia) - Spain

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