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mountain... Empty mountain...

Post  sancho6571 Fri Sep 17, 2010 11:11 am

near mountain...

mountain... Dsc02740

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mountain... Empty Re: mountain...

Post  mathias Fri Sep 17, 2010 11:28 am

I'm sorry but it's absolutly not a near montain for me.... Maybe an animal or a tunnel stone.... When I look this stone, I don't see a montain.

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mountain... Empty Re: mountain...

Post  Chris Cochrane Fri Sep 17, 2010 1:30 pm

Hi Mathias... It does not look like what the classic Japanese suiseki enthusiast would call a "near mountain," though I perfectly understand the term and its use. It has "peaks" (therefore can be viewed aa a multi-peak mountain or even a mountain range), and it has a detailed surface (therefore, it appears a "near-view" rather than a far-view if seen as a landscape view).

Are you studying stone appreciation outside of the classic (Japanese) suiseki style, Mathias? I know Marco is very knowledgeable about regional styles and historical styles. I was reminded recently when he and Jesus Quintas discussed a stone problem with a friend re' Korean stones. Everything Marco said seemed strikingly correct. Jesus explored areas I've never heard discussed before. It was super to be a fly on the wall, and they were very generous to invite my listening.

I appreciate your discipline. I appreciate others' discipline including Sancho's. I prefer Sancho's stone more than 'pseudo-suiseki' (Japanese-style but lacking quality) created from common stones with less striking aptness.

Nice stone, Sancho. I like the mountain view, but could also appreciate it as an object stone. It is an interesting view that recalls passage down a mountain, for me. You mostly experience (and typically only "see") the mountain's surface which lies on a sloping diagonal. It is an unexpected view that you clarifify by calling in a "near mountain" stone, and I am enchanted.
Chris Cochrane
Chris Cochrane

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mountain... Empty Re: mountain...

Post  mathias Fri Sep 17, 2010 4:41 pm

Hi Chris,

Thank you for your response.
Yes, I consider suiseki like a japanese / chines art, with rules, charasteristics, etc.... It's true that I don't feel in agreement with Korean style for example. It's not my taste : big stones, heavy daiza, no delicacy.... Be carefull !!! It's just a question of taste and I respect the persons who make it and like it ! Tastes in art are differents, in paint, sculpture etc.... No problem...
Very Happy

However, I appreciate stones for slovakia....

For the previous stone, this stone is beautiful, good repartition of colors, I like it. But I don't see a montain when I look it... ThumbsUp

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mountain... Empty moouontain....

Post  sancho6571 Sat Sep 18, 2010 3:08 pm

hi chris
tnx for your comments, appriciation on this stone !!


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mountain... Empty Re: mountain...

Post  sancho6571 Sat Sep 18, 2010 3:17 pm

mathias wrote:I'm sorry but it's absolutly not a near montain for me.... Maybe an animal or a tunnel stone.... When I look this stone, I don't see a montain.

hi matias,

hi matias! tnx for your comments, but for me the stone resembles a mountain,i dont see an animal,anyway beauty is in the eye of the beholder... ('Very Happy')D

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mountain... Empty Re: mountain...

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