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white stuff on Larch buds

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white stuff on Larch buds Empty white stuff on Larch buds

Post  Paul B (Scotland) Fri Aug 06, 2010 8:42 pm

I have just noticed a build up of white 'stuff' on one of my Larches.

The white stuff is only appearing on the new buds formed this year, there is no other sign of it on any of the foliage or branches on any other part of the tree. I've also checked for any little creatures lurking on the tree, but cant find anything.

I'll take a photo tomorrow as the light here at the moment makes photos a bit difficult.

There was no sign of it two days ago. Weather here for the last two days has been fairly warm (18-20) but overcast with a few showers each day.

The white 'stuff' resembles Tippex / snowpake / dried toothpaste.

Anyone any ideas?

Paul B (Scotland)
Paul B (Scotland)

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white stuff on Larch buds Empty Re: white stuff on Larch buds

Post  JimLewis Fri Aug 06, 2010 8:47 pm

Scale? Going after the most tender parts of the tree?

Can you scrape it off? Can you "squish" it between thumb and forefinger?

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white stuff on Larch buds Empty Re: white stuff on Larch buds

Post  Paul B (Scotland) Fri Aug 06, 2010 9:04 pm

Hi Jim, thanks for the quick reply, I spotted you were online and kinda new you were going to reply to this. Very Happy

I nipped outside armed with a knife with a decent point on it. I can scrape it off - not in any great amount though, it comes off in tiny powdery specks. I cant get enough of it to confirm, but I reckon it would have a dry feel to it and I wouldn't be able to squish it between my fingers.

Paul B (Scotland)
Paul B (Scotland)

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white stuff on Larch buds Empty Re: white stuff on Larch buds

Post  Kev Bailey Fri Aug 06, 2010 10:10 pm

My guess is Larch Adelgids (Adelges laricis). A google image search will bring up many pictures for you to compare.
Kev Bailey
Kev Bailey

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white stuff on Larch buds Empty Re: white stuff on Larch buds

Post  Paul B (Scotland) Sat Aug 07, 2010 10:20 pm

white stuff on Larch buds Dscf3310

white stuff on Larch buds Dscf3312

white stuff on Larch buds Dscf3313

Couple of pics attached of the problem.

It rained quite heavily here this afternoon and the white build up was slightly less tonight (when these photos were taken). I've given the tree a good spray with a general - 'kills all bugs' pesticide tonight as there were millions of greenfly after the rain stopped. Hopefully this will kill off whatever is causing the white build-up too?

Jim / Kev - does this look anything like you were thinking?

Paul B (Scotland)
Paul B (Scotland)

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white stuff on Larch buds Empty Re: white stuff on Larch buds

Post  JimLewis Sun Aug 08, 2010 9:56 pm

Not to me. Frankly, if I had seen that I would not have been worried. But then, I probably wold not have seen it. white stuff on Larch buds Icon_smile

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white stuff on Larch buds Empty Re: white stuff on Larch buds

Post  heidy12 Thu Jan 06, 2011 12:11 pm

I like your site.Its full of information
thanks Very Happy


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