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Pinus sylvestris

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Pinus sylvestris Empty Pinus sylvestris

Post  lee Sun Aug 01, 2010 12:45 pm

Hi all. I'm new to this site a relatively new to the world of Bonsai. I have a about 3 years experience and the first year i was walking around blind until i found a forum where i recognise a few names on here from there. This last year i have taken keeping bonsai a bit more seriously and got rid of a lot of trees that were never going to become anything worth keeping and taking up space in my small garden. I still have a lot i need to rid off and only have a handful of trees (in reality) worth keeping.

Anyway i had a chance of getting some Scots Pines at a really good price and decided to take them on as i dont have any pines and thought these would be a good learning curve until i could save and get hold of some decent material.
This particular SP is causing me some problems. At the Apex of the trunk there are 8 branches coming from the same point and is already causing it to swell.
I wired the branches in hope to make it easier to view at that point.
Any advice would be good and appreciated.
Kind regards Lee
(aka Leejr) [code]
Pinus sylvestris 100_2313
Pinus sylvestris 100_2314


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Pinus sylvestris Empty Re: Pinus sylvestris

Post  JimLewis Sun Aug 01, 2010 2:50 pm

You probably should start by removing the 3 or 4 thickest branches up there. The two I can see that you have wired are much too thick to be that high on the tree, and I don't think you want the apex any higher in such a slender tree.

Once those are gone, see if a couple of the others might be candidates, too.

Then take us another pic.

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Pinus sylvestris Empty Re: Pinus sylvestris

Post  lee Mon Aug 02, 2010 2:42 pm

Cheers Jim. i was thinking of bring the apex down a bit giving the trunk a bit more movement in the process.
Thanks again Lee


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