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Please help identify a "persistant" leaf problem (mineral, roots, fungus)?

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Please help identify a "persistant" leaf problem (mineral, roots, fungus)? Empty Please help identify a "persistant" leaf problem (mineral, roots, fungus)?

Post  Todd Ellis Thu Jun 24, 2010 1:26 am

Would someone help me identify some problems on some new growth and old growth? the problem is mostly my maples, but I seem to have it on a cherry and a pear, and a fringe tree, too. Not all of my maples have "it". My soil mix is approx 80% sifted turface, 10% turkey grit, and 10% sifted pine bark fines. I defoliated a Trident forest and approx 5% of the new leaves have dark brown drying blotches and some of the leaves are curling. I water at least once per day, in the morning; and at dusk when I get home from work if they look dry. I wonder if I am watering too much. My soil mix is very free-draining. I have sprayed neem oil three times (approx two weeks apart) during the past 2 months. Here are the pics:

First is Acer rubrum (Red Maple, first year's leaves)
Please help identify a "persistant" leaf problem (mineral, roots, fungus)? Maple_10

Trident Maple, new growth
Please help identify a "persistant" leaf problem (mineral, roots, fungus)? Maple_11

Acer ginnala (Amur Maple)
Please help identify a "persistant" leaf problem (mineral, roots, fungus)? Maple_12

Prunus (weeping cherry)
Please help identify a "persistant" leaf problem (mineral, roots, fungus)? Maple_13

Sweetgum (Liquidamber)
Please help identify a "persistant" leaf problem (mineral, roots, fungus)? Maple_14

Pyrus (pear)
Please help identify a "persistant" leaf problem (mineral, roots, fungus)? Maple_15

Another Trident Maple
Please help identify a "persistant" leaf problem (mineral, roots, fungus)? Maple_16

Thank you for any help or advice! Salut, Todd affraid

Todd Ellis
Todd Ellis

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