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Dragon bonsai annual show set up.

Klaudia & Martin
Victrinia Ridgeway
11 posters

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Dragon bonsai annual show set up. - Page 2 Empty Re: Dragon bonsai annual show set up.

Post  Jeremy Wed Jun 23, 2010 10:14 pm

Thank you for your encouragment
You flatter us. Dragon bonsai annual show set up. - Page 2 Icon_redface
Don't stop. Dragon bonsai annual show set up. - Page 2 Icon_twisted

You clearly know us and we must know you. Jole from?

Have a good Capel manor. Food what food, have I been missing something? Was there food........ Dragon bonsai annual show set up. - Page 2 290833

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Dragon bonsai annual show set up. - Page 2 Empty Dragon

Post  Bob Bailey Thu Jun 24, 2010 6:26 am

Hi Jerry
B B from sunny Swindon

Bob Bailey

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Dragon bonsai annual show set up. - Page 2 Empty Refined taste

Post  Jeremy Thu Jun 24, 2010 9:25 am

Hi BB,
Then I take your comments with even more pleasure. Dragon bonsai annual show set up. - Page 2 Icon_biggrin
Chris and I had a long think, last night at our Wednesday workshop, who you were. We knew it had to be someone with excellent taste and huge bonsai knowledge. Dragon bonsai annual show set up. - Page 2 754636

As we had our society show last w/e it was too close to go to Capel manor, but we even considered going, to find you. Dragon bonsai annual show set up. - Page 2 Icon_twisted

Have a good show my friend and save a pie or 3 for us. Dragon bonsai annual show set up. - Page 2 Icon_lol

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Dragon bonsai annual show set up. - Page 2 Empty ICE TEA

Post  Ka Pabling Thu Jun 24, 2010 12:08 pm

drunken Hi Pabling,
What Chris failed to mention was, dispite taking, picking up and helping to erect and take down all the backdrops, tables etc he was sitting in the shade, sipping ice tea at his nursery all weekend , because everyone in Carmarthenshire was at the Game fair, watching Dave slowly cook to a bright red hue.

Chris, You where much miss

I think Chris needed so much that break Shocked cheers
Ka Pabling
Ka Pabling

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Dragon bonsai annual show set up. - Page 2 Empty Re: Dragon bonsai annual show set up.

Post  Jeremy Sun Jun 27, 2010 2:13 pm

Gerwyn, Dragon's esteemed chair comments,

"Both Saturday and Sunday saw an unbelievable amount of people visiting our display. The interest in our Trees and the Art of Bonsai was truly rewarding. Questions ranged from the expected ‘ How old is that tree ? ‘ ‘ How much is that tree worth ‘ right through to questions about how best to look after their own Bonsai. We all had a great time taking the opportunity to talk to people about Bonsai and hopefully enlightening some people and dispelling some myths for others and generally spreading the word locally about Bonsai. Our objective at this show after all is nothing more simple than giving members a wonderful opportunity to show their trees and giving the public an opportunity to see Bonsai and understand the discipline more if they wish to. Definitely Objective Achieved."

Dragon bonsai annual show set up. - Page 2 Dscf4723
Dragon bonsai annual show set up. - Page 2 Dscf4722

Gerwyn, while you had your back turned that guy is touching the tree............ affraid

"What a way to spend a glorious weekend eh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks to everyone at Dragon Bonsai for getting involved and making a great weekend happen. Special Thanks to Glen, Ceri, Llinos, Martin, Owen, Caitlin, Colin, Jerry and Chris for adding that something special."

We are already talking about the display being bigger and, we hope, better next year. ThumbsUp

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Dragon bonsai annual show set up. - Page 2 Empty Re: Dragon bonsai annual show set up.

Post  Ka Pabling Wed Jun 30, 2010 3:45 pm

Hi Gerwyn

Indeed this is again a very succesful undertaking of the dragons under your stewardship, congratulations!
Ka Pabling
Ka Pabling

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