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Waiting swarm

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Waiting swarm Empty Waiting swarm

Post  trantanhung_nt Sun May 30, 2010 1:51 pm

Hi friends.
Send to U my stone, wait your comments and your suggestions.
This is black stone .
Weight : 8,9 kg
It was found in the Khánh Vĩnh river.
Waiting swarm 79_dsc00097


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Waiting swarm Empty Re: Waiting swarm

Post  Chris Cochrane Mon May 31, 2010 2:35 pm

At 8.9kg (over 20 pounds), this is a big stone.

From a low angle, it is difficult to recognize the stone's depth from front-to-back, but we can imagine the stone's depth from its weight. I hope it is "twisting" in 3 dimensions.

The first image I imagine is of a twisting bird looking over its shoulder. This is the classic pose of the male quail in painting & figural (e.g., Japanese okimomo) pairs of the male & female. The male bird is perhaps protecting his spouse with a watchful eye-- looking behind himself (& "over," if not "at," her) on their ground perch. The female appears subordinate in size & posture. While intended to express noble feelings of hierarchial roles, it could be seen as a bit of male posturing/posing.
Waiting swarm Dsc00810
Chris Cochrane
Chris Cochrane

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Waiting swarm Empty Waiting swarm

Post  trantanhung_nt Tue Jun 01, 2010 9:23 am

I feel very interesting about feel and your ideas with respect to my stone .
Thank you .


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