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Paul Landis
Dustin Mann
Lazaro Quintino
Martin S
Jay Wilson
Rob Kempinski
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Bougainvillea Empty Bougainvillea

Post  dorothy7774 Mon Feb 08, 2010 7:24 pm

This is my first flowering bonsai, a Bougainvillea. I aquired the tree as a "bush" and am regrowing the branches since then. No wire, just clip and grow from now on. Suggestions are appreciated (esp. on clip and grow technique with Bougies).


Regrowing branches
Bougainvillea Bougie10

Bougainvillea Bougie11

Next step
Bougainvillea Bougie12

The Back
Bougainvillea Bougie13

The future plan
Bougainvillea Bougie14

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Bougainvillea Empty Re: Bougainvillea

Post  Rob Kempinski Mon Feb 08, 2010 7:43 pm

I'd use wire to get the branches where you want them initially. After that it hard prune and wait. Hard prune and wait.
Rob Kempinski
Rob Kempinski

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Bougainvillea Empty Re: Bougainvillea

Post  EdMerc Mon Feb 08, 2010 8:28 pm

Dorthy, I have to say that without wire, mine would be completely unmanageable. It does grow crazy fast. You have a very nice start there.

Good luck.

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Bougainvillea Empty Re: Bougainvillea

Post  Guest Mon Feb 08, 2010 9:20 pm

Flowering bonsai... they are the best. If only I had your warm/light Sad

Dorothy.. wanna house/garden swap for a year or two?



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Bougainvillea Empty Re: Bougainvillea

Post  Jay Wilson Mon Feb 08, 2010 9:30 pm

Dorothy, great movement and taper! This will be very nice.
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson

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Bougainvillea Empty Re: Bougainvillea

Post  Martin S Mon Feb 08, 2010 9:55 pm

Really great stuff!

Martin S

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Bougainvillea Empty Bougainvillea

Post  Lazaro Quintino Mon Feb 08, 2010 10:30 pm

Here is the tree that I use to own but it was definitely too big for me. It weighed 77 lbs. and my friends called it "The Herniator". I got pretty good at getting them to fully bloom. I would just defoliate it and then hit it with Bougain once the new leaves started growing. Enjoy
Bougainvillea Bogie_11
Lazaro Quintino
Lazaro Quintino

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Bougainvillea Empty Re: Bougainvillea

Post  Dustin Mann Mon Feb 08, 2010 11:25 pm

Your Bougainvillea is well on its way. You are doing all the right stuff and the posts about wire for branches so true. You can zig zag and pull down the primary branches. The pink and reds bloom constantly. The purples have been only twice to three times per year for me. I prefer the perple bract because leaves reduce so well-as small as pink pixie. I have cared more about getting a couple of nice branches over full bloom first couple of years. I would suggest chasing back hard and concentrate on getting couple primary branches(let them grow-then chase back) and get rid of everthing else. I guess that would mean less massive bloom in beginning but I believe that is better than a bunch of "Whips" when you get up close and look thru(past)blooms Dustin

Dustin Mann

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Bougainvillea Empty Re: Bougainvillea

Post  Guest Mon Feb 08, 2010 11:28 pm

Lazaro Quintino wrote:Here is the tree that I use to own but it was definitely too big for me. It weighed 77 lbs. and my friends called it "The Herniator". I got pretty good at getting them to fully bloom. I would just defoliate it and then hit it with Bougain once the new leaves started growing. Enjoy

NOW I am really sick.... what a great tree and with such fantastic colour Lazaro



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Bougainvillea Empty Re: Bougainvillea

Post  Paul Landis Mon Feb 08, 2010 11:35 pm

Cool tree!! Thanks for sharing. Cant wait to see some future pix!!
Paul Landis
Paul Landis

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Bougainvillea Empty Re: Bougainvillea

Post  anttal63 Tue Feb 09, 2010 12:32 am

Nice start dorothy, on a magneficent trunk. I can't wait to see those blossoms in that colour. Any ideas on colour of pot yet? I do agree with the others. Wire, wire, wire. Too good not to. cheers

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Bougainvillea Empty Re: Bougainvillea

Post  EdMerc Tue Feb 09, 2010 1:23 am

If I'm not mistaken, I see a couple of lavender blooms on the second or third picture.

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Bougainvillea Empty Re: Bougainvillea

Post  Rob Kempinski Tue Feb 09, 2010 1:33 am

Tony wrote:Flowering bonsai... they are the best.

Almost all trees make flowers - just some are better looking than others. alien (Like most things.) geek jocolor
Rob Kempinski
Rob Kempinski

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Bougainvillea Empty Re: Bougainvillea

Post  amazonida Tue Feb 09, 2010 2:04 am

Rob, could you please explain the time to wire and to prune it? Here in Brazil i have a few ones.. i prune it after the flowers... bougainvilles like food.. i lot, so i put osmocot every time. do you agree?


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Bougainvillea Empty Re: Bougainvillea

Post  NeilDellinger Tue Feb 09, 2010 2:30 am

Nice bougainvillea Dorothy. I enjoyed seeing well as the others people have posted.

Here is mine this summer after defoliating, repotting and re-wiring. I had to grow all the branches. Collected in Central Indiana of all places. Grew in the floor of a greenhouse for a couple decades I think.

Not sure of the variety, but it has not bloomed for me yet. I keep trimming it back. I also will cut off the big dead wood this year I think to get more of a natural look.

Bougainvillea P1020541

Bougainvillea P1020546


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Bougainvillea Empty Re: Bougainvillea

Post  sitarbonsai Tue Feb 09, 2010 10:38 am

Hey, Dorothy
that Bougainvillea has great potential!
if you can get it to look your future plan, it would be a prized specimen.
also Lazaro,
that Bougainvillea you had was wonderful,


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Bougainvillea Empty Re: Bougainvillea

Post  Rob Kempinski Tue Feb 09, 2010 1:57 pm

amazonida wrote:Rob, could you please explain the time to wire and to prune it? Here in Brazil i have a few ones.. i prune it after the flowers... bougainvilles like food.. i lot, so i put osmocot every time. do you agree?
Bougainvillea are native to Brazil so I would imagine you could prune and wire in the beginning of your growing season. For us in the semitropical northern hemisphere that is early spring. You can work on them throughout the growing season. I would leave the tree alone during the cooler months, when you would see most flowers. Osomcote is ok, but like Lazaro I would recommend a bloom boasting fertilizer for maximum flowers. In the USA we have one call Bougain fertilizer. I use it only on bougainvillea.

This is what wiring can do for a bougy.

Bougainvillea 1aspac10
Rob Kempinski
Rob Kempinski

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Bougainvillea Empty Re: Bougainvillea

Post  amazonida Tue Feb 09, 2010 2:23 pm

Rob, thanks for that helpful information. i'll post a stump in the next days, and i invite you to check it out.
Wiring in the growing season should be fast right? Maybe one month maximun to remove it. And i like the fertilizer specific , the bougain. where it can be found? supermarket? nursery?


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Bougainvillea Empty Re: Bougainvillea

Post  dorothy7774 Tue Feb 09, 2010 6:12 pm


I did wire the branches the first time. Thanks for the nice Bougie picks and comments. clown


the bougie really grows out of shape in no time. I guess I just have to take advantage of it..Smile.. Yes, lavender colored blooms.


I did send you some sunshine in the other thread..Swap my house and garden for a year or two? Not for 5 minutes.. Suspect ..Done with the wet cold a long time ago.. Dance


thank you. I would have already gotten a Bougainvillea , but I could never find one that I liked. This one does have nice movement indeed.

Martin, thanks.

Lazaro, hope the "Herniator" did not foreshadow any health issues.. affraid Nice tree!


this tree has purple (a bit lighter) bracts. The leaves do reduce very much and the flowers seem not too big either. Thanks.

Paul, thank you.


thanks. I am not good with pots, no clue about the container othet than probably something "frosty".. study (I like the frosty donuts better that the glazed ones..ha!)


cool tree! Unusual. Got more pics? Thanks.


I hope i can develop the tree according to my virt. I like to style it similar to an Azalea, with a nice structure, so the tree can be shown with blooms only, no leaves..

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Bougainvillea Empty Re: Bougainvillea

Post  anttal63 Tue Feb 09, 2010 9:05 pm

Frosty sounds great for that colour bloom! Frosty on the do-nuts sounds great too! cheers Laughing

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Bougainvillea Empty Re: Bougainvillea

Post  Ka Pabling Wed Feb 10, 2010 8:26 am

Good tree movement, good taper,bougies will give you more than enough branches to chose from .What more can you ask for.
Ka Pabling
Ka Pabling

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Bougainvillea Empty Re: Bougainvillea

Post  Dustin Mann Wed Feb 10, 2010 3:24 pm

Dorth. Gulfstream Bonsai sells Bougain Fertilizer. I believe Miami Tropical and Durastone sell it too.Everywhere in Florida. Rob, thanks so much for posting photo of Bouggy from Asia Pacific. Perfect example of how ramification makes a tree look aged. If there were no ramification tree would be ordinary with bar brances and reverse taper on right branch. Dustin

Dustin Mann

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Bougainvillea Empty Re: Bougainvillea

Post  Rob Kempinski Wed Feb 10, 2010 3:50 pm

Dustin Mann wrote:Everywhere in Florida. Rob, thanks so much for posting photo of Bouggy from Asia Pacific. Perfect example of how ramification makes a tree look aged. If there were no ramification tree would be ordinary with bar brances and reverse taper on right branch. Dustin

Appreciate the beauty and not the design. I didn't notice bar branches nor really care about them as the beauty of this tree surpasses that. Imagine it in flower!
Rob Kempinski
Rob Kempinski

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Bougainvillea Empty Re: Bougainvillea

Post  Dustin Mann Wed Feb 10, 2010 5:34 pm

Rob: You are right about overall beauty of the tree(and it is Beautiful!!) surpasses the design element. That was my point!! If you or anyone else cover up everything above first two branches with hand/piece of paper you see only the basic line(structure) of tree.(David Degoot-tension then resolution as in music) The ramification and structure of rest of the tree(the beauty) comes from this. Sorry,just my opinion to see thru tree and why it's beautiful. Your "I don't really care" sounds a bit testy/paradoxical. Like-motion to surpress Mann's comment.

Dustin Mann

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Bougainvillea Empty Re: Bougainvillea

Post  Rob Kempinski Wed Feb 10, 2010 6:03 pm

Dustin Mann wrote: Your "I don't really care" sounds a bit testy/paradoxical. Like-motion to surpress Mann's comment.

Not testy just a statement. I feel bar branches is probably the most overrated (or over emphasized might be a better way to say it) problem in bonsai design. Virtually every pine bonsai in an upright style will have several of them.
Rob Kempinski
Rob Kempinski

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Bougainvillea Empty Re: Bougainvillea

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