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Cupressus sempervirens/Mediterranean cypress

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Cupressus sempervirens/Mediterranean cypress Empty Cupressus sempervirens/Mediterranean cypress

Post  my nellie Thu Jul 19, 2018 10:10 pm

I always loved Cupressus.
I am fond of their upright stature and dense dark green foliage.
So, I thought I would like to share with you the view of some aged Cypress trees from my balcony.
Cupressus sempervirens/Mediterranean cypress Img_8210

These are old trees I remember them since I can remember myself (now aged 65 y.o.) and they were the same old, tall trees!
They are about 57 trees growing there.
Cupressus sempervirens/Mediterranean cypress Img_8211  Cupressus sempervirens/Mediterranean cypress Img_8212  Cupressus sempervirens/Mediterranean cypress Img_8226
But the place back when I was a little girl was not like this. There was a dry stream where there is the paved walk and those buildings were orchard gardens.
So, when the stream was covered and infilled in order the buildings to be built you can understand that the towering trees were burried at their lower part and their height was decreased.

Look how those trunks are engulfing the cement wall!
Cupressus sempervirens/Mediterranean cypress Img_8213  Cupressus sempervirens/Mediterranean cypress Img_8214  Cupressus sempervirens/Mediterranean cypress Img_8215

Last edited by my nellie on Thu Jul 19, 2018 10:30 pm; edited 2 times in total
my nellie
my nellie

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Cupressus sempervirens/Mediterranean cypress Empty Re: Cupressus sempervirens/Mediterranean cypress

Post  my nellie Thu Jul 19, 2018 10:26 pm

These two trunks are the oldest of all the trees.
Cupressus sempervirens/Mediterranean cypress Img_8216 #1  Cupressus sempervirens/Mediterranean cypress Img_8217 #2

Two shots from underneath towards the apex
Cupressus sempervirens/Mediterranean cypress Img_8220  Cupressus sempervirens/Mediterranean cypress Img_8221

The following are dead trees. One has already been cut down and the other next to it is also dead.
Cupressus sempervirens/Mediterranean cypress Img_8218 Look at the hollow heart of the trunk!

Cupressus sempervirens/Mediterranean cypress Img_8219

There is definitely some kind of disease on some of the trees. Unfortunately no one is caring for them...

And the last shots are from the terrace of the block of flats I am living.
Cupressus sempervirens/Mediterranean cypress Img_8223  Cupressus sempervirens/Mediterranean cypress Img_8224
my nellie
my nellie

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Cupressus sempervirens/Mediterranean cypress Empty Re: Cupressus sempervirens/Mediterranean cypress

Post  Kevin S - Wisco Bonsai Fri Jul 27, 2018 3:13 pm

Kevin S - Wisco Bonsai
Kevin S - Wisco Bonsai

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Cupressus sempervirens/Mediterranean cypress Empty Re: Cupressus sempervirens/Mediterranean cypress

Post  Khaimraj Seepersad Fri Aug 03, 2018 11:25 am

Hello Alexandra,

thanks for taking the time to post these beautiful tree images,
and views of where you live..

Two points -
[1] Seed, if you can get ---- take a record of how you germinated them.
So if you send out seed, it does not turn into a hit and miss situation.
Especially with the time lag in the post.

[2] You know the Italians call this the male tree.
And the broad open one is the female.

That said what design do you have in mind ?

A single tree or a forest?

I was looking to share, as I grew up with a much younger version of these
trees in the front yard, but I searched and could not find an image.
Khaimraj Seepersad
Khaimraj Seepersad

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Cupressus sempervirens/Mediterranean cypress Empty Re: Cupressus sempervirens/Mediterranean cypress

Post  my nellie Fri Aug 03, 2018 10:28 pm

Hello Kevin,
Thank you for your comment.

Hello Khaimraj,
One thing makes me wonder... the fact that for so many years I haven't seen any seedling sprouting under the trees.
Is it because the seeds are difficult to germinate...? Is it something else...?
However the opposite applies for Pines.
From what I have read on the internet Cypress seeds germinate relatively easy after they have been stratified.

I have not tried to sow Cypress seeds so far and for the time being I am growing some cuttings and the pine seedlings apart from the trees in training and one or two trees for future projects... I water everything by hand using a fine misting pressure pump. So I know unfortunately I will not be able to respond to the care of any new activity...
my nellie
my nellie

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Cupressus sempervirens/Mediterranean cypress Empty MED CYPRESS

Post  oldman Sun Aug 12, 2018 9:35 pm

The pictures show a lot of concrete surrounding the cypress trees. A pity, as they are magnificent specimens. The invading concrete may be contributing to the lack of new growth. The dead and dying are somewhat historically accurate of encroaching "civilization" effects: crippling lack of moisture and further root development. Aah, progress!


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Cupressus sempervirens/Mediterranean cypress Empty Thank you

Post  Coppersdad Mon Aug 13, 2018 4:40 am

Appreciation and admiration for the elder trees doesn't only happen in the forest or the bonsai exhibition. It happens everywhere there are trees. A humble thank you for reminding me to see what is before me every day.

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Cupressus sempervirens/Mediterranean cypress Empty Re: Cupressus sempervirens/Mediterranean cypress

Post  my nellie Mon Aug 13, 2018 7:54 pm

"Oldman" and "Coppersdad" thank you both for your comments.
Considering : a) your nickname and b) your age (72) I would dare say this is the reason for your words of wisdom, the mature experience of life...
Urban sprawl, unregulated use of land, intensive urbanisation, industrialisation are some of the causes for such regrettable phenomena (at least in my country)
my nellie
my nellie

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Cupressus sempervirens/Mediterranean cypress Empty Re: Cupressus sempervirens/Mediterranean cypress

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