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a new Bonsai photo book + photo of Japanese White Pine that survived Hiroshima

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a new Bonsai photo book + photo of Japanese White Pine that survived Hiroshima Empty a new Bonsai photo book + photo of Japanese White Pine that survived Hiroshima

Post  StephenVoss Wed Sep 16, 2015 5:23 pm

a new Bonsai photo book + photo of Japanese White Pine that survived Hiroshima ?format=1500w

Hi all,
I've been following this forum for a couple of weeks and wanted to reach out, hope this is the right place.

I’m a photographer based in Washington, DC and I’ve been photographing bonsai for the past year at the National Bonsai Museum & Penjing Museum here in DC.

I want to make a book of the photographs and I could really use your help. We're getting very close to having it fully funded. Above is a photo I took of the famous Japanese White Pine, in training since 1625.

You can see more about the project here:

If you find the project interesting, I'd love to have your support.

I’d also very much appreciate if you would share this within your bonsai community if you think it would be of interest.

You can also see the project on Facebook:



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a new Bonsai photo book + photo of Japanese White Pine that survived Hiroshima Empty Re: a new Bonsai photo book + photo of Japanese White Pine that survived Hiroshima

Post  Norma Thu Sep 17, 2015 8:36 pm

Hi Stephen,   You do know there is a book called Timeless Trees by Peter and Mary Bloomer?   This is also from the National Bonsai Museum in Washington DC. and is still being sold by:

Kind regards,   Norma

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a new Bonsai photo book + photo of Japanese White Pine that survived Hiroshima Empty Re: a new Bonsai photo book + photo of Japanese White Pine that survived Hiroshima

Post  StephenVoss Fri Sep 18, 2015 1:58 am

Hi Norma,
Yes! I know that book well. Hopefully this book will be a nice complement to that one.


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