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Acer campestre - collecting it

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Acer campestre - collecting it Empty Acer campestre - collecting it

Post  George R Wed Jun 10, 2015 4:51 pm

Hello everyone!
I'm wondering if I can still colect an acer campestre. It's a small tree,no older than one year. Also I'm living in Romania,so I don't know if the climate will let me.

Thank you.

George R

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Acer campestre - collecting it Empty Re: Acer campestre - collecting it

Post  Guest Wed Jun 10, 2015 6:06 pm

Hi George

It is a small plant...if you can dig it up together with a lot of soil. and pot it in a big pot, do I not think it is a problem...but be careful the soil does not come off the roots, and have the pot ready...leave the tree in the semishade untill you see it is back growing .

Better is it to come back in the next early spring and dig it up Smile

Kind regards Yvonne


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Acer campestre - collecting it Empty Re: Acer campestre - collecting it

Post  George R Wed Jun 10, 2015 9:11 pm

Hello Yvonne!
I will not probably dig it out now. I've managed to cut quite an atractive branch from the mother tree,I hope it will survive. Any help on getting it to survive and root?

George R

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Acer campestre - collecting it Empty Re: Acer campestre - collecting it

Post  Guest Thu Jun 11, 2015 4:43 pm

George...the branch can not survive.
If you search under " layering " can you find information about, what you should have done.

If you want to make bonsai, should you seak up a bonsaiclub an learn from the members, this is what is the best thing for you to do right now

Kind regards Yvonne


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Acer campestre - collecting it Empty Re: Acer campestre - collecting it

Post  George R Thu Jun 11, 2015 9:36 pm

No bonsai club near me,unfortunatelly. Sad

George R

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Acer campestre - collecting it Empty Re: Acer campestre - collecting it

Post  Guest Fri Jun 12, 2015 7:23 am

Some of you Guys on IBC, does not have Clubs to go to, and it makes it hard for you, to learn about very basic bonsaicare.
My only advice is to read many posts, and ask questions.

Kind regards Yvonne


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Acer campestre - collecting it Empty Re: Acer campestre - collecting it

Post  steveb Fri Jun 12, 2015 12:20 pm

Yvonne's advice is spot on. I dug a few young Hackberries (Celtis) a few weeks ago and they are now putting out new leaves. Get most of the roots and protect from sun.


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Acer campestre - collecting it Empty Re: Acer campestre - collecting it

Post  George R Fri Jun 12, 2015 1:53 pm

Hi Steve. Thanks for your advice.

Yvonne,I'm on it!

George R

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