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Winter Carpinus

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Winter Carpinus Empty Winter Carpinus

Post  JimLewis Fri Dec 12, 2014 7:52 pm

Korean Hornbeam. This is the tree that has been with me the longest now. It was given to me as a scrawny twig in 1986. I let it grow for 2 years in my front garden, and like all Korean Hornbeam, it sulked and was still pretty scrawny when I dug it up. It has spent its time since in a variety of bonsai pots and now sits in a Nick Lenz pot that I'd hoped would be its final home with me. But alas, I think the pot is too small (shallow) -- at lest for MY tastes.

It has two fronts -- one when it is clothed, and another for when it is nekkid. When in leaf the lower bar branches are not so obvious (tho I don't like the big gap in mid right.

It stands about 11 - 12 inches from the pot rim.

Winter Carpinus 6-12_c11

Winter Carpinus 12-14_10

Winter Carpinus Korea010

I did a bit of trimming at the top this afternoon. It probably could use some more scissor work since it has become a bit overgrown, but that was all I could manage for now.

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Winter Carpinus Empty Re: Winter Carpinus

Post  Kevin S - Wisco Bonsai Fri Dec 12, 2014 9:44 pm

nice jim !

and yep, a little scissor work should shape her right up...

if you can't do much at once, you can be like floyd the barber...
"a little off the top and sides, but only a little at a time" Wink

Winter Carpinus Floyd10
Kevin S - Wisco Bonsai
Kevin S - Wisco Bonsai

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Winter Carpinus Empty Re: Winter Carpinus

Post  JudyB Sat Dec 13, 2014 12:21 am

It's odd, the pot looks a bit small in leaf, but out of leaf it seems a good fit. (and a nice pot it is...) I like the out of leaf shot/side much better. And nice time lapse photo!


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