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Searching for live oak

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Searching for live oak Empty Searching for live oak

Post  Tom Simonyi Sat Jun 07, 2014 6:01 pm

I don't even know if this journey will be successful but I am looking for a live oak with an established structure. I am aware that such a tree wil carry with it a substantial price. At this point I am just looking for possible sources. Thanks in advance for your help.

Tom Simonyi
Tom Simonyi

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Searching for live oak Empty Re: Searching for live oak

Post  JimLewis Sat Jun 07, 2014 6:07 pm

Are you looking for one with the typical wide-spread canopy?

The only bonsai nursery that I know of that carries Q. virginiana pre-bonsai (and this is from some years ago) is Miami Tropical Bonsai in Homestead, FL (just south of Miami).

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Searching for live oak Empty Re: Searching for live oak

Post  Tom Simonyi Sat Jun 07, 2014 6:15 pm

Yes, Jim, that is correct and thanks for the tip....I will ontact them.

Tom Simonyi
Tom Simonyi

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Searching for live oak Empty Re: Searching for live oak

Post  RKatzin Mon Jun 09, 2014 9:17 pm

Hi Tom, on the off hand, would either of the westen live oak be of interest? Those are Quercus chrysolepis, Canyon Live Oak, more local to my area and Quercus agrifolia, Coast Live Oak from you guessed it, the coastal regions. Both have small holly like leaves and can be a real bugger to handle. They are a bit different than the savanna type southern live oak, but very trainable. The Coastals have really nice dark thick and deeply furrowed bark and the Canyons are smoother and flakey.

Just a thought, I can get some nice sized pieces of collectable wild stock. They are slow growing and we won't live long enough to grow these from stock trees and they are not popular landscape items so they are a bit hard to locate in a can. Rick

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Searching for live oak Empty Re: Searching for live oak

Post  Tom Simonyi Tue Jun 10, 2014 1:54 pm

Hi, Rick....good to hear from you and thanks for the information. I have located some Q. laurifolia, Laurel oak which I am looking at, native to the southeast. I am reluctant to consider western species because of my location. Thanks again.

Tom Simonyi
Tom Simonyi

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Searching for live oak Empty Re: Searching for live oak

Post  RKatzin Wed Jun 11, 2014 6:01 pm

Hi Tom, I think either tree would do well in W. Va. Just for a look see, check out Mike Page's Coastal Live Oak. I hope you find a great tree, Rick

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Searching for live oak Empty Re: Searching for live oak

Post  Tom Simonyi Wed Jun 11, 2014 8:02 pm

Thanks, Rick...I appreciate it. I have seen Mike's oak that you referred to. His work has always been inspiring for me. I will let you know how this journey works out.

Best regards,
Tom Simonyi
Tom Simonyi

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