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Taiwan Juniperus -1

Vance Wood
ShunFeng Wang
Zhan Fu Lin
Robert Steven
Todd Ellis
14 posters

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Taiwan Juniperus -1 - Page 2 Empty Re: Taiwan Juniperus -1

Post  Vance Wood Fri Feb 21, 2014 7:54 pm

Lee Brindley wrote:
Vance Wood wrote:
my nellie wrote:It should not cost anything, to my opinion.
Everyone is free to express one's opinion/comment/valuation. Or one is not?  Very Happy 

I believe the wood work on the trunk is magnificent but the over-all design of the bonsai is, in my uneducated and ignorant opinion, not worth the praise it is receiving.  If I were to post this same tree as my work I could expect many of you to tell me just what you think.  But it seems that because of who posted the tree and who reinforced  and supported the  concept of movement has kind of cowed honest assessment of the actual tree.  The movement on this tree gives me motion sickness.  I guess that's OK but it is kind of counter to most concepts of bonsai design.

I am ignorant enough to be unfamiliar with the owner of this tree and so hold no biased. For me the movement of the tree in its current position is exciting and brings it to life. Your suggested angle appears lifeless and boring to my eye, even though it follows the "rules" by bringing the apex in line with the base.

Vance Wood
Vance Wood

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Taiwan Juniperus -1 - Page 2 Empty Re: Taiwan Juniperus -1

Post  snobird Sat Feb 22, 2014 12:10 am

Mr. Cheng has shown photos/slides of Junipers growing on the mountain tops in Taiwan. When I see these I understand what these bonsai trees are all about. It's a harsh environment. Constant buffing by winds, severe snowfall etc.


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Taiwan Juniperus -1 - Page 2 Empty Re: Taiwan Juniperus -1

Post  sidiao Sat Feb 22, 2014 1:36 am

snobird wrote:Mr. Cheng has shown photos/slides of Junipers growing on the mountain tops in Taiwan. When I see these I understand what these bonsai trees are all about. It's a harsh environment. Constant buffing by winds, severe snowfall etc.

snobird, Thanks!

Just like snobird sayed. On high mountain, there are strong wind and snow. The style of trees are not the same.

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